  • 學位論文


A Study on the Bancassurance For Privatizating Bank----Taking C Conpany As An Exzmple

指導教授 : 李雅婷 郝充仁


銀行保險起源於1970年的歐洲,在國內為最近五年迅速發展的保險通路。利率長期走低,使得存戶尋求定存以外的金融商品。高資產的客戶也利用保險商品來解決稅務上的問題。由於金融環境快速變化及基於擁有眾多客戶,公營金融機構渉入銀行保險產業是在此環境變遷下的自然產物。 每一個公營金融機構在成立之初都有其偉大的願景促使其從業人員遵循來為公眾服務。當組織變革後,其成立宗旨也因而改變。 在國內民營化起源於1989年,除了少數單位因民營化提升了經營效率外,大部份並未因而進步,甚至更糟。 合庫之組織變革可視為台灣公營機構轉型最值得研究的案例之一,乃因其過程有成功的經驗,也有諸多失望之處。對於合庫之組織變革,有以下的經驗是值得記取,比如對於子公司有諸多不妥的處置方式: 一、組織轉型,規劃作業不週。 二、組織轉型,過程溝通不良。 三、組織轉型,員工保障不備。 皆是合庫在組織轉型中,已呈現的不理性現象;前車之鑑,正可提供未來公營金融機構組織轉型之重要參考。


銀行保險 民營化 組織變革


Bancassurance originated from Europe in 1970, has been the fastest growing channel for insurance in Taiwan in the past 5 years. Low rate of term deposit drives customers to the next best investment product. High net worth clients also try to find tax solutions in various life insurance products. The public financial institution become involved in Bancassurance industries seems to be the natural product out of this fast-changing environment and a great foundation of the clients. Every public financial institution begins with a foundation based on a great vision for their employees to service the public and community. However as time and personnel move on, organizational change often veers in a different direction, even contradicting the institution’s initial mission. IN Taiwan, the privatization of the public enterprises started in 1989.Except that a few enterprises increased their performances, most of them stayed without improvements, or even worse. It is not always true that to privatize the public enterprise could bring good performance. Due to its past transitional history, we can also view Taiwan Cooperative Bank as one of the most valuable cases for a study on organizational changes of Taiwan’s public financial institutions. The following deductions are worth noting. They had something wrong deal with subsidence company: 1. An incomplete transformation plan. 2. Inefficient communication between processes. 3. Insufficient guarantees for employees. The history of Taiwan Cooperative Bank’s evolution coupled with irrational mistakes of the institution’s past make good examples for other public financial institutions to avoid and try to improve upon during organization change.


Bancassurance Privatization Transformation


曾寶璐,商業周刊第 642 期
參 考 文 獻
一、 中文部份
