  • 學位論文


Personnel who in charge of Small Procurement Involved in the Prosecuted Law cases

指導教授 : 曾冠球




Integrity govern in public policy is the essential main items in our country. Anti-corruption was always focused by the field of academia research and actual performance in the past time. Meanwhile, the impact upon the people’s confidence of government is mostly emphasized. That’s also the major cause of declining in country competitiveness and should be continuously strengthened in the area of supervising and controlling in order to prevent public official from corruption. Moreover, they are rarely conscious of the fact that the abuse of accusation and prosecution is probably the key point which results in the decreasing of administrative efficiency at the same time. Those who are engaged in procurement affairs in accordance with law are alleged involved in criminal accusations and gradually reach the status of top 1 in recent years. Especially, the details concerning the Small Procurement (a procurement of a value not reaching 100 thousands NT dollars) of the Government Procurement Act are apparently not specific and exact. That’s the reason why the Small Procurement should be concentrated on surveying on purpose. By way of Purposive Sampling in collecting and searching the Judicial Yuan laws and verdicts database, it indicates those models and styles of accusation-getting of public official and takes an analysis. The harvest of 35 verdicts which involved in procurement affairs during the period from 2000 to 2013 are selected as targets of survey and traced to the final trial in court. The consequences approve that 71% public official among the up-mentioned cases who neither subjectively attempt to gain any illegal property nor objectively obtain other unlawful benefits are entirely accused and prosecuted of alleged committing in corruption by prosecutors. From the point of that time on, those public official reluctantly have to independently face the unexpecting, uncertain and long-period journey of prosecution. It will make all public official afraid of task-engaging. Furthermore, 31% suitcases are perhaps resulted in prosecuter’s unfamiliar to Administrative Practices and lead them to make the misunderstanding and false judgement. Besides, 41% cases are possibly due to the personal unawareness, getting accustomed to the so-called ”it is said…” and the greediness of illegal convenience in conducting negligently. Eventually, there are just merely 29% cases based on unlawful intent of the accused party. After all, carefully having this kind of situation reminded and improved as possible as we can is really what you and me should do at present time.


