  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships between Demographic Variables, Life Style and E-book Reading Behavior

指導教授 : 曾義明


自90年代以來,電子書已成為出版產業最熱門的話題。隨著數位閱讀的普及,書不再侷限於紙本印刷形式,而是可透過電子書閱讀器或行動載具等科技產品來閱讀。此外,人們閱讀習慣逐漸改變,閱讀媒介也隨之改變,未來將帶動周邊相關產業興起,引爆另一波數位革命。 本研究採用問卷調查方式,針對台灣地區之電子書使用者,進行人口統計變數及生活型態對於閱讀行為影響之調查,回收之有效問卷共有365份。根據研究目的需要,使用敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信效度分析、集群分析及卡方檢定等方法,進行實證分析,對電子書使用者的閱讀行為及使用偏好進行探討,提供現存或後進廠商之營銷建議。 經由分析結果顯示,電子書閱讀群為30-39歲且居住地為北部地區的上班族,接著運用集群分析,以生活型態因素為基礎,將台灣地區電子書之使用者分成兩群,分別是流行資訊族及傳統資訊族,其中不同性別及連網設備之電子書使用者,對其閱讀行為影響具有顯著差異,代表電子書閱讀行為會受到使用者自身特質的影響,進而產生差異的結果;而不同生活型態之電子書使用者,在閱讀時間上具有顯著差異。 本研究最後從三個面向提出電子書的結論及建議,如下: 一、瞭解人口統計變數對閱讀行為的影響,建議相關業者可針對不同性別進行軟硬體面的差異化服務及行銷。 二、善用消費者生活型態之區隔,建議電子書可朝著創新思維方向發展,開創獨具的商業及閱讀模式。 三、運用消費者生活型態與閱讀行為的關連性,克服載具不相容且統一電子書格式。其次,配合雲端空間服務,提供無接縫的跨載具移動閱讀。


E-book has become the most popular topic in the publishing industry since the 90s. As digital reading is widely accepted today, books can be ready not only with printed media, but also with high-tech products like e-book reader or portable devices. While the behavior of reading changes, so does the reading media. The momentum of such change will reinforce the emergence of relevant industries and lead to the next digital revolution. Questionnaire as a method of survey is applied in this study to analyze the reading behaviors of Taiwanese e-book users in relation to Demographic Variables and Life Style. A total of 365 questionnaires are collected for empirical analysis with statistical tools of Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, Reliability & Validity Analysis, Cluster Analysis and Chi-square Test. The study explores the reading behavior and preferences of e-book readers in order to provide marketing advices for current and potential businesses. Based on the research result, e-readers are mostly aged between 30 and 39 years old and are office workers inhabit in northern Taiwan. By using cluster analysis, e-readers in Taiwan can be divided into two groups based on their lifestyle, one is the trend-information receiver and the other is the traditional-information receiver. There is also a significant difference of reading behaviors between gender and e-readers who use different internet ready devices. This indicates that e-reading behavior is influenced by each user’s personality, and the time spends on reading is different across people with different lifestyle. The conclusion and suggestions for e-books are made in light of three aspects shown below. 1. With the understanding that reading behavior is influenced by Demographic Variables, it is advised that differentiated service and marketing shall be carried toward different gender. 2. With properly segmented groups of lifestyle, it is advised that e-books shall be developed in a more innovative way, and a niche business model shall be created as well. 3. The connection between reading behavior and lifestyle shall be utilized to overcome the problem of incompatibility across devices in order to develop a standard e-book format. Furthermore, with the help of today’s cloud service, reading seamlessly across devices and platforms shall be achieved.


