  • 學位論文


A Study on the Exploration of the Development of Mobile Food Truck in Taiwan from the Governmental Regulations’ Perspective

指導教授 : 李月華


近年來,各國致力於訂定行動餐車相關規範,以發展行動餐車營運合法化環境,藉由政府鼓勵及推動,增加就業機會,提升國家產業競爭力。臺灣行動餐車掀起熱潮至今,造成社會觀感不佳,被視為流動攤販;無合法營業場所,違規營業而遭受檢舉,使業者無法適從;在此情形下,本研究以行動餐車為主要研究對象,採質化研究方式,以文獻分析法、訪談法,深入瞭解美國行動餐車、臺灣流動攤販及行動餐車營運環境發展現況、困境、特色及趨勢。針對產官學界專家進行深度訪談,收集資料,同時參採舊金山工務局182101號命令、芝加哥衛生委員會移動餐車規則、臺灣攤販管理規則等規範進行分析而歸納出國外行動餐車合法營運環境之配套措施,並探討臺灣行動餐車發展環境之限制,建議政府機關對行動餐車研擬配套措施。 研究結果提出六點建議,以作為日後政府研擬相關政策之參考或業者穩定經營行動餐車之參考方向。 一、成立行動餐車發展推動專案小組,訂定行動餐車管理專法。 二、以規範營業時間、營業地點、營業範圍之配套措施,維持交通秩序、社區安寧、商家公平競爭、市容美觀,積極輔導行動餐車發展。 三、以詳細說明營業地點(固定點或固定路線)及安裝GPS系統之配套措施,取締違規及管理行動餐車。 四、行動餐車權責辦理單位應納入地方政府交通局及中央單位交通部公路總局,由中央政務委員作整合性業務督導,以避免管理上多頭馬車,造成政策執行力不彰。 五、以一般社會大眾及中小企業為行動餐車申請對象之政策配套措施,擴大就業機會,增加政府稅收,創造雙贏局面。 六、建立行動餐車創新商業模式平台,以科技化技術整合供應端及需求端,使政府單位作有效率管理及追蹤。 【關鍵字】攤販、行動餐車


攤販 行動餐車


All countries have been devoted to stipulating relevant regulations for mobile food trucks during recent years, so as to develop legalized environment for the operation of mobile food trucks, and to increase employment opportunities as well as enhance national industrial competitiveness with the encouragement as well as promotion from the government. Social issues have never stopped since the rising of the mobile food truck trend in Taiwan, resulting in poor social perspectives concerning treating these as mobile vendors. The mobile food truck proprietors are feeling lost and helpless due to the lack of legalized business venues and being reported based on business against regulations. Under these circumstances, the research takes mobile food truck as the main research target, and adopting the qualitative research approach, the documentary analysis and interviews to learn in-depth about the current development situation, predicaments, characteristics and trend for the business environment of America’s mobile food trucks, Taiwan’s mobile vendors as well as mobile food trucks In-depth interviews are also conducted on experts from the industry, government and academia fields to collect the data. Moreover, data including Order No.182101 of San Francisco Department of Public Works, mobile food vehicles rules and regulations from Chicago Board of Health as well as regulations governing street vendors of Taiwan province are analyzed and generalized to provide the measures for legal business environment for both domestic and overseas mobile food trucks. The environmental limitations for the development of mobile food trucks in Taiwan are further explored, thereby suggesting governmental institutes to stipulate the feasible measures for mobile food trucks. Therefore, the outcome of the research proposed 6 suggestions for the measures for the development of the business environment for mobile food trucks, acting as the reference for the government to stipulate the relevant policies in the future, or as a referential direction for stabilized operation of mobile food trucks for the proprietors. I. Establish the project team for mobile food truck development promotion, stipulate management rules for mobile food trucks. II. Stipulate the measures for business hours, venues and range to maintain traffic order, community peace, impartial store competition and beautification of the city, actively assist the development of mobile food trucks. III. Use measures including detailed description of business venues (fixed spot or fixed route), as well as installation of GPS system management to ban and manage mobile food trucks in violation of the regulations. IV. Mobile food truck competent authority should incorporate transportation bureau of local government, as well as Directorate General of Highways of the Central Government, where the integrated business supervision should be conducted by the central minister of state to avoid unfocused management, leading to ineffective execution of the policies. V. Expand the employment opportunities while also increasing the government’s tax income with the policy measures based on mobile food truck application target set on general social people as well as small and medium enterprises, thereby creating a win-win situation. VI. Establish innovative business model platform for mobile food trucks, use technologized technique to integrate the suppling end and the demanding end, thereby allowing governmental institutes with effective management and tracking.


Vendors Mobile Food trucks


3.Esparza, Nicole, Edward T. Walker, and Gabriel Rossman. "Trade Associations and the Legitimation of Entrepreneurial Movements: Collective Action in the Emerging Gourmet Food Truck Industry." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (2013): 0899764013512723.


