  • 學位論文


Basic Properties and Pavement Analysis of Conductive Asphalt Concrete

指導教授 : 段永定
共同指導教授 : 劉明仁


世界各國最主要之路面材料為瀝青混凝土(asphalt concrete,又稱為hot mix asphalt, HMA),瀝青混凝土的電阻率約為10⁷∼10⁹Ωm,屬於絕緣體材料。通過摻入適量的導電材料,改善瀝青混合料的電學性能,可望獲得多功能的瀝青混凝土。本研究採用導電瀝青混凝土之概念,在瀝青混凝土材料內添加鋼棉與石墨來取代部分的材料,進而提高其導電能力,再進行績效與電學試驗,比較不同配比之導電瀝青混凝土的差異。再進行KENLAYER程式分析,比較實驗式所測得之數值與模擬實際路面之數值差異,期望能找出最優異之配比。 研究結果顯示,石墨與鋼棉對電阻率下降之效果很顯著,但下降之一定程度後效果就非常不明顯,摻量愈高成本也會愈高,只要配比之電阻率小於100Ω.M即可,不需要添加太多。石墨對各項績效性值下降影響很大,但成本則較低;鋼棉對各項力學性值影響較小,但成本則較高。根據各數據之結果選擇G5S1.75、G7.5S1.5及G7.5S1.75這三組配比較為優異。藉由迴歸分析所得之迴歸模式可用於石墨與鋼棉對各項性質之預測,以實驗室所得之疲勞壽命來預測實際路面之疲勞壽命,以及以常溫對低溫來預測回彈模數與模擬路面之明顯疲勞裂縫與車轍破壞。


The main countries of asphalt concrete pavement materials (also known as hot mix asphalt, HMA), the resistivity of the asphalt concrete is about 10⁷ ~ 10⁹Ωm, belong to the insulator material. By incorporating an appropriate amount of conductive material, improving electrical properties of asphalt mixture, asphalt concrete is expected to get versatile. In this study, steel wools and graphite were utilized as ingredients to asphalt concrete material to improve the conductivity of conductive asphalt concrete. Then the performance and electrical test, compare the differences of different proportions of conductive asphalt concrete. Then KENLAYER program analysis, numerical comparison of the empirical formula of numerical simulation measured the difference between the actual road, hoping to find the most outstanding of the proportion. Based on the results of this study, graphite and steel wool effect on the decline of the resistivity is very significant, but the decline of a certain degree of effect is very obvious, the higher the cost will be higher dosage, as long as the proportion of the electrical resistivity less than 100Ω. M, don’t need to add too much. Graphite on the performance of the value decreased a great impact, but the cost is low; little effect on the mechanical properties of steel wool value, but the cost is high. According to the results of the data of the selection G5S1.75, G7.5S1.5 and G7.5S1.75 proportion of these three groups is more excellent. By regression analysis obtained from regression models were used to predict graphite and steel wool to the character, resulting in fatigue life of the laboratory to predict the fatigue life of the actual road, as well as room temperature to low temperature to predict and simulate pavement resilient modulus the obvious fatigue and rutting.


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