  • 學位論文

觀光地區導引分流快速反應系統之構建 -以日月潭國家風景區為例

A Quick Response System of Traffic Diversion and Guidance-A Pilot Case Study of Sun-Moon-Lake National Recreation Area

指導教授 : 董啟崇


先進旅行者資訊系統(Advance Traveler Information System, ATIS),為智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS)的九個子系統之一,主要功能為提供交通資訊給用路人,其資訊內容包括旅行時間預測、道路施工訊息、車況壅塞訊息、用路人警示標語等,近幾年交通資訊更增加了替代路徑資訊的提供,使用路人有更多的路線選擇,避免陷入壅塞窘境。 本研究主要目的是發展一套可適用於觀光遊憩區且以規則庫觸發導引策略的車流導引快速反應系統(Quick Response System, QRS),探討其導引分流方式對於路網績效之影響,期望歸納出QRS系統的適用情況。本研究重點在於比較DynaTAIWAN新嵌入之QRS規則庫導引分流方式(基本型)與行駛固定路徑之方式、原始標準型DynaTAIWAN指派方式、使用者均衡(UE)模型指派方式的模擬結果之間路網績效差異。本研究實驗路網之選擇考量到必須是遊憩區,且交通偵測設備及資訊發布設備佈設之完整性,選定以日月潭地區路網作為實驗路網,路網範圍擴及至台灣西部國道1號、國道3號車輛之系統交流道,如台中中港系統、彰化系統、古坑系統。 本研究將車流型態、導引分流規則庫決策更新時間間隔、交通資訊滲透率、動態遵循率納為重要的實驗因子,設計了18個實驗情境組合,以DynaTAIWAN進行動態模擬,觀察不同情境下,分析4種分流、指派方式對於路網狀態之影響及檢視各方式之間路網績效差異。 模擬結果顯示QRS規則庫機制(基本型)之運作是可行的,有達到導引分流之緩解效果,其結果與原始標準版DynaTAIWAN模擬結果相近,並且比UE交通量指派結果及行駛固定路徑之結果都要來得好。


DynaTAIWAN 快速反應 規則庫 分流 導引


Current traffic management plan over the recreational area depends on a pre-set guideline agreed by associated management authorities, which is at the planning level, operated manually on site by personal judgment of field officers. Due to the rapid development of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), the implementation of a real-time based dynamically responsive traffic diversion and guidance at operational level become encouraged. This study proposed to develop a quick-response traffic diversion and guidance system to assist the management authority in response to such situation by utilizing traffic data collected via vehicle detectors deployed over the network. A rule-based quick response system was proposed and demonstrated for the operation over the Sun-Moon Lake National Park area. The evaluation tests were constructed using a controlled simulation where scenarios of traffic conditions along with information penetration rates were controlled while user compliance behavior captured as dynamic switching model with respect to guidance information through a dynamic traffic simulation platform known as DynaTAIWAN. By varying control parameters and inserting the established QRS rules onto the open sourced program to act as a special form of dynamic traffic assignment process, this results have demonstrated the feasibility and values of the proposed QRS.


DynaTAIWAN quick response rule-base diversion guidance


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