  • 學位論文


An Approach to Airport Operation and Management in Europe and Study case of International Amsterdam Airport Strategies

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


在全球化的時代下,人口流動速度更加快速且頻繁,更加速國際客運、貨運流量增加,也進一步機場的營運帶入一個新的階段。航空運輸是促進經貿整合不可或缺的一環,全球經濟蓬勃發展,國際間交流頻繁,普遍國家收入增加,人民生活水準相繼提升,大幅增加民眾從事各種商務或觀光旅遊等活動。航空運輸的樞紐:機場的載運量也跟著大幅提升。台灣、新加坡等類似的經濟島國,機場為國家門戶文化象徵,而機場的經營管理也象徵一個國家的經濟與形象。 機場是航空產業的一環,國際民航組織在1944年創立之初即定義其業務範圍,而機場的所有權屬於國家,機場為尋求更好的發展需突破舊有的思維。機場「民營化」是近20年來機場發展最重要的環節。機場民營化是未來機場邁向全球化與自由化的發展趨勢。 本文旨在探討機場管理在阿姆斯特丹機場案例上的探討,然而機場管理的課題仍是現在進行式,機場民營化在歐洲其他國家的發展,從管理者或是政府的角度去觀察研究,仍是未來值得關注的議題。


In the era of globalization, population will move more frequent and so does the international passenger and freight. Above these result, will bring airport into a new level. Air transport is part of global economy, frequent international communications, increase general state revenue, living standards have been improved, will increase interested people in to do various leisure activities, such as business or travels. Air transportation hub: Airport will also expand its capacity to follow increased dramatically. In island countries, for example: Taiwan, Singapore. Airport is a symbol of national cultural, and airport management is also a symbol of one country's image and economy ability. Airport is part of the aviation industry, ICAO defines its scope of business inception in 1944, and it belongs to the state ownership. In order to search of a better development, need to bump into the old thinking. Airport privatization in the past 20 years is the most significant development of the airport chain. Airport privatization will be the trend in future airport development towards globalization and liberalization. This article aims to explore the airport management in case of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. However, the subject of airport management now is still working and Airport privatization is still evolving in other European countries, from the perspective of the manager or the government to observe the research issues.


