  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumers' Behavior on Luxury Products

指導教授 : 聶建中


精品的歷史與歐洲的發展史息息相關,發展到現在與現代社會的消費行為密不可分,本研究先以精品概念的起源開始定義,根據歷史與文化內涵來探究何為一個精品品牌。並針對三大精品集團:LVMH、曆峰與開雲集團研究營銷模式。找出精品品牌的核心文化意涵,並以問卷調查結果來驗證消費者行為假說。探討消費者對精品的概念、核心文化與產品的消費行為,發現消費者對精品品牌的歷程發展非常重視。同時研究網路時代之後,精品品牌的轉變加上網路行銷模式更能推廣消費者對精品的概念。 方法論:內容分析法、歷史研究法、問卷調查法。


精品 消費者行為 品牌研究


The history of luxury branding related to human’s develop history, also related to nowday’s consumer’s behavior. Author tracing back to the origin of luxury, to define "what makes a luxury brand?" Analyzing three major luxury group: LVMH, Richmont and Kering to figure out their branding model. And using the survey to prove consumer’s behavior. The result showed that consumers still paying attention when they purchase luxury products. After the network booming, the luxury brands have involved with online shopping, it's an efficient way to promote their brands images to consumers. Research method: Content analysis, Historic research and questionnaire method.


Luxury Brands Consumer Behavior


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