  • 學位論文


A Game Theoretic Approach of the competitive strategies in Taiwan's Sewing industry - An Example from R Company

指導教授 : 蔡政言


隨著知識經濟的來臨,傳統貿易業單純仲介的經濟行為其價值隨著資訊進步的衝擊越來越低,也無法再藉由自身的資訊來源,作為交易平台來連接買方與賣方以賺取利潤。隨著買家以及供應商越趨大型化和整合,傳統貿易商的議價力逐漸削弱、利潤被壓低。因應產品趨勢、結構變化、與景氣循環,縫製產業在大型通路商客戶的崛起、產業代工盛行、製造毛利不斷被壓縮的情況,縫製產業如何重新定位,掌握本身的資源、技術或經驗,在供應鏈中增加其自我附加價值,達成企業之最佳獲利模式與永續經營乃為本論文研究所冀。 本研究使用賽局理論(PARTS)分析台灣縫製業管理及競爭策略以及某公司情況,並歸納出其競爭優勢來源,也透過資料蒐集分析與業界訪談,整理出個案公司未來策略轉型與發展展望。個案公司善於利用自身財務及製造廠商的優勢,改變經銷代理商與下游之間的貿易條件,藉由規則的改變以造成賽局改變。個案公司現有的競爭優勢,係憑藉著各項進入與退出障礙的建立及策略聯盟的保護,建立障礙與策略聯盟為個案公司於賽局中採行的主要競爭戰略。


The competition of Taiwanese sewing industry is fierce and its profits are shrinking gradually. Therefore, we employ the Game theoretic PARTS analysis to discuss sources of their competitive advantages, and their dealing with the rise of the sewing industry in China and Japan. Finally, we discuss the implications of the changes in the demand of oversea factory. This study analyzes the current Taiwanese Sewing industry as well as a case of company R by using PARTS theory and summarizes their sources of competitive advantage. We also collect information through interviews as well as the industry analysis, by sorting out transformation and development prospects of future strategies of company R. By exploiting their financial advantages to change the terms of trade and from upstream to downstream, we change the rules of the game in order to cause changes. The existing competitive advantages of studing case conclude the protection system of the entry and exit barriers, the establishment of strategic alliances, and the establishment of main obstacles to competitive strategy and strategic alliances for the company in the case of the adoption of the game.


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