  • 學位論文


The Effect on Consumers Purchase Intention and Brand Identity by Product Placement and Celebrity Endorsements-Using the Moderator of “Korea Philia"

指導教授 : 洪英正


本研究擬探討韓流對化妝品的消費影響,隨著韓流魅力的興起,韓系化妝品崛起,以台灣內需市場來說,自韓國進口的佔有率慢慢地在拉升,成長速度最快,近五年成長率都達到20%。在過去的文獻中下列各變項已被驗証有顯著影響作用: 一、 置入性行銷/購買意願: Balasubramanian (1994)認為:置入性行銷是指企業或廠商採取付費的方式,有計畫地以不引人注目的形式,將產品訊息放到現存媒體中,以便有效地影響觀眾對產品的情感和認知。 二、 置入性行銷/品牌認同: Weaver & Oliver (2000) 認為消費者對於顯性置入的品牌會有正面的態度。 三、 名人代言/購買意願: Lee and Tan(2003)認為當知覺風險愈高時,消費者的購買意願會降低。因此,企業若能有效降低消費者在決策過程時心中所存在的不確定感,則能讓消費者的購買意願提高。 四、 名人代言/品牌認同: Kamins(1990) 認為:高吸引力代言人搭配高吸引力形象的產品,比低吸引力形象代言人搭配相同產品時,有較高的廣告效果、品牌態度及購買意願。 由於化妝品市場環境與消費者購買型態的改變,因此本研究將以探討透過置入性行銷、名人代言、哈韓涉入程度等研究變項,對消費者的品牌認同感與購買意願將會導致何種影響,進而討論這對市場經營可以有哪些啟示與應用意義。 本研究問卷以網路問卷Google表單進行便利抽樣,樣本對象為各年齡層一般人士,有效問卷201份,藉由描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析、t檢定及變異數分析等方法進行資料分析。研究結果顯示如下: 一、置入性行銷對消費者的購買意願有顯著影響。 二、置入性行銷對消費者的品牌認同有顯著影響。 三、名人代言對消費者的購買意願有顯著影響。 四、名人代言對消費者的品牌認同有顯著影響。 五、哈韓涉入程度在各變項中皆無顯著調節作用。 管理意涵:研究結果發現,哈韓涉入程度並不會對消費者購買化妝品或品牌認同上有任何調節作用產生,代表自變項置入性行銷與名人代言的影響遠超過於哈韓涉入程度的因素,消費者並不會因為哈韓而去影響購買意願或品牌認同感,因此,建議化妝品公司可著重於置入性行銷與名人代言上去開拓市場,而哈韓也可能只是一時的風潮,消費者在消費時還是有其理性的判斷。


This study investigates the influence of Korean wave or “hallyu” on consumption of cosmetics with the rise of Korean Philia, Korean cosmetics rise in Taiwan domestic market, the amount of import from South Korea in slowly pulled up, however it’s the fastest growing in the past five years as compared with competitive brands from other countries, which the growth rate has been reached 20%. By the literature review, each of the following variables have been verified owning significant influence: 1. Product placement / Purchase Intention : Balasubramanian (1994) points out that product placement is the company or the manufacturer to use the way by paying charges of placing unobtrusive form and product information into the existing media in order to effectively influence the audience's emotion and cognition. 2. Product placement / Brand identity: Weaver & Oliver (2000) considered by salient brand placement, the consumers will have a positive attitude to the brand and product. 3. Celebrity endorsements / Purchase Intention: Lee and Tan (2003) considered that when perceived risk is higher, consumer Purchase Intention will be reduced. Therefore, if companies can reduce the uncertainty that will expedite consumer decision-making process and increase purchase intention. 4. Celebrity endorsements / Brand Identity: Kamins (1990) considered high attractiveness celebrity with high image products is more attractive than when compared with the low attractiveness of the celebrity of the same product, and will have a higher advertising effectiveness, brand attitude and purchase intention. Due to changes in the environment and consumers are used to buy cosmetics, this study will investigate through product placement, celebrity endorsements, the degree of Korean Philia(hallyu), brand identity and purchase intention will cause what impact are there, and then discuss the management implication when operating the market. The questionnaire survey was edited by Google web forms in electronic , the sample is ordinary people of all ages, 201 questionnaires were recovered, and analyzing the data by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, t-test one-way ANOVA and hierarchical regression analysis. The results are as below: 1. Product placement has a significant impact on consumer purchase intention. 2. Product placement has a significant impact on consumer brand identity. 3. Celebrity endorsements have a significant impact on consumer purchase intention. 4. Celebrity endorsements has a significant impact on consumer brand identity. 5. Korean Philia has no moderating effect on any relationship among each variable. Management implications: this study found that the involvement degree of Korean Philia will not have any moderating effect on consumers’ purchasing cosmetics or brand identity, representing the product placement and celebrity endorsements influence more beyond Korean Philia , it is recommended that the cosmetics company should focus on product placement and celebrity endorsements to develop new markets, while Korean Philia might just be a temporary fad. Consumers still have their rational judgment to purchase the cosmetics products.


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