  • 學位論文


The Study on technical innovation R & D and profitability in textile industry - a Case Study of Company C

指導教授 : 林志鴻 賴錦璋


過去臺灣紡織業曾風光一時,這個產業也曾因人力成本高漲、獲利能力下滑,被認為是不值得再投資的「夕陽產業」。近年來紡織產業越來越重視研發,已跳脫出僅為代工的思維,臺灣紡織業正逐步發展高科技、高附加價值的紡織產品,如全球流行的機能性材質服飾,包含抗UV、抗菌、抗輻射、吸濕排汗、降溫等功能都是由臺灣研發出來的產品,現在的臺灣紡織業,已經發展到時尚科技知識業層級,臺灣許多廠商成為全球機能性布料之主要供應商,成功帶動臺灣紡織產業轉型,並積極建立自有品牌,以提升附加價值。本研究以C公司為個案研究對象,採用Lin and Pao (2004)之理論架構,以使命陳述來作為各項分析的基礎,討論企業內部的7S模式,並以五力分析模型評估產業環境,再依據PESTEL架構探討總體環境,探討C公司競爭策略的形成要素,藉由理論模型基本架構,歸納出策略形成之關鍵因素,在內部環境面為研發完整之全球運籌管理系統,在外部產業環境面的優勢為有著獨特產品優良品質、持續的創新研發來擴大與同業的差異,在總體環境面為注重節能減碳與節約能源,打造綠色工廠,總結前述三大重要因素,C公司之競爭策略為透過擴張規模,並以技術領先,成為世界輕量機能性紡織品領導廠商。


The textile industry has been days of glory in the past in Taiwan, this industry also once fell, was thought because of the manpower cost upsurges, profit abilities to is "the setting sun industry" that wasn't worth plowing back. Spin and weave the industry to more come to more value the development in recent years, have already jumped to take off only is the labor's thinking, Taiwanese textile industry just and gradually develops high technology, high value added spinning product, as world spread of the function material dress, include anti-UV, anti-virus, anti-radiation, absorb the wet row sweat and reduce the heat to etc. function to is all product that is come out by Taiwan development, Taiwanese textile industry in nowadays, already develop by that time still science and technology knowledge industry grade, the many manufacturers in Taiwan become world main supplier of the function cloth, successfully arouse Taiwan to spin and weave the industry transformation, and actively establishment from have the brand to promote the additional value.The object of this study is company C and Lin and Pao (2004) theoretical framework is the tool employed in this study. The framework uses mission statement as the foundation to analyze each interrelated factors, 7S model to analyze internal environment, Five Forces model to access external environment and PESTEL for overall environmental assessment. With the basic structure of the theoretical model, summarized the key factor in the formation of policy, Interiorly the environment faces to manage the system for global strategy of development integrity, at the advantage that the external industry environment faces for have the special product good quality too continuously that innovation development to extend and difference of the same trade, face to reduce carbon and economy energy for paying attention to economy energy in the total environment, create the green factory, summarize above three big important factorses, competition strategy of C company for through promote the market sales volume, and lead by technique, become a world to lightly measure the function textile product leadership manufacturer.


