  • 學位論文


The Impact of Critical Service Providers’ Characteristics on Loyalty during Service Delivery

指導教授 : 羅惠瓊


台灣美容服務產業隨著經濟發展與生活型態的改變而不斷地在轉型,經營方向由過去美顏的區塊轉變成現今美容、美體與休閒舒壓放鬆兼具的部分。美容院不再只是提供臉部美容護膚的服務,更提供全身性的按摩與皮膚保養,而這樣的轉變使得美容服務的特性與以往有所不同。   相較於過去,美容服務除了高度強調一對一關係的服務特性外,現在更有著親密性強與服務傳遞時間長等特性。基於這些特性,使得美容服務人員在進行服務傳遞的過程中,扮演著額外重要的角色,因在長時間的服務過程中,顧客很容易察覺到服務人員各項特徵的表現,而留下深刻印象。從過去的研究亦可以發現,顧客在接受服務傳遞時,會重視服務人員的各項特徵以作為評價服務的依據,將影響顧客的滿意與否。而當顧客對代表企業的服務人員評價越高時,企業越能維持與顧客之間的長期關係。顯然美容院經營成敗的關鍵與服務人員所展現出的各項特徵息息相關,且是與顧客建立長期關係的關鍵性角色。因此,本研究試圖以關係品質的概念,來建構出適用於美容服務傳遞過程的關係品質模式,以探討顧客在接受美容服務的過程中,服務人員特徵對於關係品質與忠誠度的影響關係。   本研究以紙本問卷方式針對桃園市有美容消費經驗的顧客進行483人調查,共得有效問卷421份。經過資料分析後,本研究發現(1)同理心、禮貌性、專業、經驗等為美容服務傳遞人員重要之特徵,其中以專業最具代表性。(2)服務人員特徵會藉由服務人員關係品質進而影響到顧客忠誠度。(3)服務人員特徵對服務人員關係品質間的影響效果為所有路徑中的最高者。   根據本研究之研究發現對美容院提出相關建議,如人才的選拔上要選擇適合美容產業特性之人員、培養出有助於顧客關係建立的人員特徵、降低優良員工之離職率等,讓服務人員展現出適當之各項特徵,進而與顧客建立良好的關係品質,來換取顧客長期之忠誠度,將對於美容院的經營有所助益。


Because of the economic abundance and life styles improvement, the management direction of the Taiwan beauty services industry is constantly changing, transiting from simple facial beauty to extensive whole body makeup, as well as leisurely body relaxation massage. It means that beauty salon provides not only just a facial skin care service but also a whole body skin care, massage. Such a change makes the present beauty characteristics different from the past one.   In addition to the intensive one-to-one service, being a standard in the past, the present beauty service emphasizes the characteristics of intimate customer-beautician interaction and the customer-oriented of long-term service. Consequently, the beauty service providers play an extra important role to entertain and serve the customers. Customers are usually sensitive and impressed to the characteristics of the beauty service providers during the long-term service.   Past research has found that customers will pay attention to the characteristics of the beauty service providers as criteria to evaluate the extent of service satisfaction. As a usual, the beauty salon films are more able to maintain long-term relationships with customers when they acquire higher positive evaluation on the beauty service providers, who are just the constituent of the films. It is apparent that the characteristics of the beautician are the key to build long-term relationships with customers, as well as are closely related to the success of the beauty salon films. Thus, this research will take advantage of the concept of the Relationship Quality in order to establish one quality model, which is suitable to study the Relationship Quality of beauty service providing process. Further, the influence of the characteristics of the beauty service providers on the Relationship Quality and Loyalty is studied while customers are in the process of beauty service.   The paper questionnaires in this study include 421 valid copies, out of total 483 surveys, done on experienced grooming customers in Taoyuan. The analysis reveals (1) that the characteristics of empathy, politeness, professionalism, experience are the important to beauty service providers. The professionalism is the most criterion; (2) that the Service Providers’ Characteristics will affect the customer loyalty, by means of the Relationship Quality; and (3) that the Service Providers’ Characteristics is the most dominant factor to affect the service provider’s Relationship Quality.   This study gives beauty salon films some suggestions as follows: (1) to use suitable persons and then culture them to be beauticians, who have inherent characteristics of beauty service; (2) to culture those persons who are helpful to set up good customer relationship; as well as (3) to reduce the resign rate of good employees. To allow employees to show proper and adequate features, and then establish a good Relationship Quality with customers, in exchange for the long-term customer loyalty. These actions will be helpful for the operation of beauty salons.


