  • 學位論文


Research on ASEAN Chair’s Role Function (2011-2015)

指導教授 : 林若雩


本文以探討2011至2015連續5年來東協輪值主席國家的角色功能,以及所產生的差異比較。針對「東協輪值主席」角色功能之研究,採用Almond之「結構功能論」、Easton「政治系統理論」,並以「輸入的功能」、「內外環境因素」、「輸出的功能」說明;同時,引用政治系統的「分析及轉換」、「反饋的過程」,並參酌Almond & Verba政治文化取向的架構。 筆者發現:東協輪值主席角色功能與追求利益之方式不同:主席國面臨重大事件時,衡酌國內外情勢會有不同做法:東協與歐盟兩個組織差異頗大,東協或東亞合作的未來勢必要走自己的路;東協與大國維持等距關係,周旋中、美、日之間,當中的外交策略運用,值得學習如何於東亞與亞太扮演更積極的角色。 本文結論:東協輪值主席在議題設定、外交決策互有不同,因此形成年度峰會成果自然有異。東協面臨的區域外環境以周邊安全情勢為主,例如南海爭端問題,除了美中角力外,東協整體對南海問題亦漸趨關切,部分會員國菲律賓和越南以各種策略運用對應,尤其是東協主席國所持立場特別受到關注。至於東協角色功能方面,主要以個別國家外交決策思維為核心,運用輪值主席地位,透過年度會議各種對話機制,展現區域內外關係,形塑以東協主導地位的共同體。


ASEAN chair has been focusing on ASEAN community last five years, namely, from year 2011 to 2015. This thesis tend to explore the ASEAN rotating presidency function as well as the role of the State, and the resulting difference for five consecutive years until ASEAN community is accomplished. The purpose of the study lies on how ASEAN's rotating presidency country to host the annual summit in order to build ASEAN community and promote political as well as economic integration in East Asia region. The results indicated as below: Firstly, ASEAN rotating presidency role of the state function and pursuit of national interests in different ways. Secondly, when ASEAN chair faced a major event, taking into account domestic and international pressure, there will be different approaches, also resulting in different solutions. Thirdly, ASEAN or East Asia cooperation in the future, bound to find its own way rather than following the EU model. Fourthly, ASEAN countries maintain equal relations with external great powers, such as how to deal with United States and Japan, the tatics of foreign policy, which worth learning how Taiwan can play a much more active role in East Asia and Asia Pacific region.


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