  • 學位論文

Facebook搶攻社群商務:Buy button-以女性服飾為例

Facebook Launch Social Commerce-A Case Study of Woman Clothing & Accessories in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李月華


現今社群網站已然成為人們生活中重要的溝通管道,其中又以Facebook最具代表性,Facebook已然成為商家投放廣告必爭之地,然而除了廣告投放亦有許多商家透過Facebook從事商業活動,在過去幾年Facebook一直嘗試將社群與電子商務做結合,於2014年Facebook進行了一項Buy button測試,透過這個「購買」按鈕,直接在Facebook上完成所有購買流程,也使得社群網站向電子商務向前邁進一大步;眾多消費行為在社群網站上發生,可清楚看見未來社群網站與電子商務結合的發展空間;在這樣的網路社群環境變遷下,有別於以往廣告投放方式,現今更能夠精準抓住目標客戶,又因社群網站與電子商務結合,整個完成購買流程的時間會變得更為快速,競爭也變得越來越激烈,因此要如何在使用者瀏覽動態時,能夠於第一時間吸引住消費者的注意力,將會變得更為重要。因此本研究以Facebok Buy Button為例,探討在未來社群與商務結合之情況下何種廣告設計美學會較容易喚起消費者情緒反應,並加入網路商店形象以及Facebook使用涉入程度來探討使用者按購買鈕之意願。 本研究採用便利抽樣法,共計回收415份有效問卷,回收後之資料,以統計套裝軟體作為資料分析之工具,選定合適之統計分析方法以利相關資料分析與驗證,其中包括了信效度分析、相關信分析、線性結構分析、單因子變異數分析等推論統計分析方法來驗證個研究假說,研究結果顯示如下: 1.不同種類的廣告設計美學會對消費者的情緒反應有部分顯著差異 2.情緒反應對消費者的購買意願有部分顯著影響 3.知覺商店形象對消費者購買意願有顯著正向影響 4.Facebook使用涉入程度對消費者購買意願無顯著影響


Following the fast growing of social network sites (SNS) such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in the cyber world recently, Facebook is the top social commerce platform, the social commerce has become an important emerging issue in these SNS. With this feature, Facebook trying to connect with e-commerce, In 2014 Facebook test social commerce, people on desktop or mobile can click the “Buy” call-to-action button on ads and Page posts to purchase a product directly from a business, without leaving Facebook. In such an environment transaction process will more quickly, therefore the company how to attract consumer attention in the first place seems to be especially important. This study attempts to explore What advertising picture will arouse consumers ' emotional responses and further affect the Purchase intention, In addition to join store image and Facebook involvement to understand users purchase intent through the social media platform in the future. In this study, samples taken from Taiwan, we retrieved 416 valid samples. First we start pilot test to identify the item of reliability and validity, then using confirmatory factor analysis to determine the factor structure between variables and potential variables. In the end, we use path analysis to assess the relationship between variables of structural equation model. The main results are as follow: 1.Different types of advertising images of a consumer's emotional response have some significant differences. 2.Emotional response have some significant influence on consumer's purchase intention. 3.Store image perception have a significant positive impact on consumers purchase intentions. 4.Facebook involvement have no significant effect on consumers purchase intentions.


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