  • 學位論文


A Study of Performance Prediction and Design on Mobile Learning for Direct Selling Sales in Mainland China

指導教授 : 張紘炬


自2007年以來,智慧型手機蓬勃發展,以致各個產業均強化行動化解決方案,本研究將以中國大陸直銷產業為研究目標,針對直銷產業在中國大陸面臨到的新機會與困難,廣大的銷售機會與直銷銷售員素質、銷售績效之影響,擬提出行動學習方案以改善之。因此,本研究將分兩階段:第一階段將以中國大陸直銷業者作為實證性研究對象,使用問卷方式,對導入行動學習(mobile learning)方案後進行信效度分析,以瞭解行動學習是否對銷售績效有正向影響。研究結果顯示直銷產業在導入行動學習後,將可對銷售績效產生效益。第二階段則以行動學習設計與雛型實作,依據不同的情境建立雛型系統並對300位直銷銷售員進行測試,測試結果發現,使用行動學習方案的直銷銷售員比使用傳統一般電腦的直銷銷售員成效有顯著的提升,此研究證明行動學習方案可在直銷行業內提升直銷銷售員素質,並提高商品銷售的正確性。


The rise of smart phones from 2007 has stimulated various industries to develop mobile solutions to improve and solve past problems relating to the inaccessibility of information systems. This study used the direct marketing industry in Mainland China as the research subject. It aimed to understand the new opportunities and challenges encountered by the direct marketing industry in Mainland China and to propose mobile learning solutions to improve the relationship among extensive sales opportunities, skills of salespersons, and sales performance. Therefore, this study was divided into two phases: in the first phase, the study targeted the direct marketing industry in Mainland China through empirical research, using questionnaires after introducing mobile learning to analyze their validity and reliability with regarding to observing whether the mobile learning had a positive impact on sales performance. Research in this phase concluded that sales performance benefited from the introduction of mobile learning into the direct marketing industry. In the second phase, mobile learning solution was used as the means for implementing mobile solutions. Based on different user oriented scenario which was designed in the research, a prototype was designed and built for 300 salespersons. After those salespersons used and to be tested, the test results showed that sales performance for salespersons that used mobile learning solution was significantly higher compared to those who used traditional personal computers solution for sales efforts. This demonstrates that the use of mobile solutions in mobile learning improved sales quality in the direct marketing industry and increased the accuracy of merchandise sales.


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