  • 學位論文


Using the Extended TAM to Explain Behavioral Intentions of Cousumer to Use Mobile Payment

指導教授 : 李沃牆
共同指導教授 : 池秉聰(Ping-Tsung Chih)




In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile communication technology, network and information technology, the promotion of communication bandwidth and the rise of smartphones, modern lifestyle has changed. Mobile commerce service has become the mainstream of e-commerce, and the impact of the consumer's life style. Because mobile payment methods are convenient, fast, easy to use, free from space constraints and other advantages, and consumers who are willing to use new payment instruments are growing. In the extension of e-commerce activities and mature development, these consumers can be the promoted target group of mobile payments This study is based on the relevant literature, to understand the current situation of mobile payment development, and aim at the cognitive definition of relevant behavior theory, and put forward the variables of the mobile payment market environment. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, this paper explores the intention factors of consumers using mobile payment, establishes the model structure of consumer action payment. The mobile payment method defined in this study is Near-field communication and scan code payment. According to the empirical results of the questionnaire analysis, this study found that the perceived usefulness, the perceived ease-of-use, the normative belief, the motive and the trust have the direct effect or the indirect effect to the use attitude, Consumers' using attitude is a key factor in determining the intentions of consumers. Finally, based on the findings, the findings and recommendations are presented to provide a reference for the financial industry to promote mobile payments in the future.


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