  • 學位論文


Analysis of Los Pazos de Ulloa by Emilia Pardo Bazán from Theory of Field

指導教授 : 林盛彬


一八六八年西班牙發生光榮革命,導致國內政治大規模變動,執政者的荒淫引起人民的反彈,保守的專制體制已是搖搖欲墜,此時的巴桑已然成年,跟著父母遊歷各國,接觸了許多思想與流派。回國後的巴桑展現了吸收各國文學的成果,在文壇迅速竄起。當時父權主義盛行的社會,女性展露頭角的機會甚少,然而憑藉著優異的寫作技巧,巴桑在文壇中的地位可與男性並肩。然而巴桑的優秀要歸因於父母的開明教育,因此造就了十九世紀,西班牙最為傑出的女性作家。 《屋尤亞莊園》是一部講述一個鄉村莊園在封建制度下的興衰,其中包含了錯綜複雜的議題:情感、文化、道德、權力、地位、經濟、政治等互相牽扯,在這樣多重的關係交織影響之下,能夠看見人心的善與惡以及莊園衰敗的真實原因。不僅如此,此部小說為西班牙十九世紀封建社會的縮影,巴桑還加入了真實的歷史事件以增加故事的真實性,並藉此提供當代的思維與框架,並藉由小說將其觀察到的社會問題揭示出來以供讀者省思。   本篇論文是筆者依照布赫迪厄的場域理論分析,將《屋尤亞莊園》中的社會空間分為主要兩地:城市與鄉村,並將場域分為三大類:文化場域、經濟場域、權力場域,並透過觀察主角貝德羅侯爵在社會空間中所扮演之角色以及佔據的位置,呈現出分分合合的對立關係,造成空間出現變動以及轉移的原因皆與場域、慣習、資本等因素相關。慣習為一人之品德與個性的養成,慣習會影響日後的人物所擁有的決勝條件,進而影響在場域中所在位置。   第一章為緒論,能夠瞭解筆者的研究動機與研究方法。第二章為作者介紹,在此章節當中能夠瞭解作者之生平、作品以及其寫作風格;此外,筆者會講述有關《屋尤亞莊園》作品成書之歷史背景與小說相關細節。第三章為筆者所作之文化場域分析,在此章中分析中能夠得知角色之文化素養與家族名聲之關聯。第四章為經濟場域分析,透過分析能夠瞭解增加經濟的要素為何。第五章為權力場域分析,權力在莊園與社會當中牽扯甚廣,影響了角色的定位與結局。最後,第六章為本篇論文之結論。


In 1868, the glorious revolution in Spain, led to large-scale changes in domestic politics. Bazán was sixteen, and she with her parents traveled to the European countries. During the trip, she absorbed many ideas and doctrines. After returning to Spain, she showed the results of absorbing the literature of various countries, her excellent writing skill. However, at that time, patriarchism prevailed in society, women had little chance to show their abilities, but Bazán was lucky, her position in the literature world could be side by side with men. “Los Pazos de Ulloa” was Bazán’s representative work, it was a novel about the decline of the feudalism. The topics include: emotion, culture, morality, power, status, economy, politics, etc. In such a complex relationship between the charactes, we can find out the reason for the decline of feudalismo. Inaddition, This novel is the epitome of the Spanish nineteenth century feudal society. Bazán also joined the real historical events to increase the authenticity of the story and she revealed many social problems to make readers introspect and took those issues seriously. This tesis is based on Theory of Field from Pierre Bourdieu. The social space is divided into two main areas: urban and rural. The field is also divided into three categories: Cultural, Economic, Power. By observing the protagonist Pedro, it will let us know what role he played and what position he occupied in the social space. The cause of space changes and the reasons for the transfer is field, habit, capital. Habit is a person's character and personality, it will affect the winning capital of characters, and thus affect the location in the field.


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