  • 學位論文


A study of the Cyberbullying Behavior influence among Psychological Factor and Life Satisfaction on College Students

指導教授 : 柯志恩


網路霸凌的成因是複雜多元的,要對網路霸凌有好的預防輔導策略也常為不同的網路霸凌成因所困擾。由於網路霸凌受到個人與社會的互動影響,藉此本研究希望釐清大學生在心理因素、生活滿意度與網路霸凌的現況,並從三種心理因素:同理心、從眾行為以及忌妒探討三種心理因素與生活滿意度對網路霸凌的影響,藉此提供教育與輔導單位適當的建議。本研究採用問卷調查法進行,以淡江大學共402名大學生為研究樣本,研究工具包括「網路霸凌量表」「心理因素量表」「生活滿意度量表」,以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson績差相關、多元回歸等方法進行統計分析。 本研究的主要發現有: 一、 女性同理心得分顯著高於男性。 二、 男性忌妒得分顯著高於女性。 三、 使用網路時間的長短對網路霸凌沒有影響。 四、 網路霸凌者與低同理心、高的忌妒有高相關性。 五、 生活滿意度與同理心的相關程度最高。 六、 忌妒對於網路霸凌的預測力最高。


There are multiple causes of cyber bullying, so it is difficult to find good prevention and intervention because it is stemmed from different reasons. Because cyber bullying is an interactive behavior between personal and society, the primary concern of this study is to examine the correlation of psychological factors, life satisfaction and cyber bullying. Three psychological factors, empathy, conformity behavior and envy, are derived through this study. A sample of 402 college students completed a battery of questionnaires, which includes Cyber Bullying Scale, psychological Factors Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale. Implication of this study and recommendations for future research are proposed for education and counseling unit. Findings of this study is stated below: 1. Empathy scales are significantly different between genders, female is higher. 2. Envy scales are significantly different between genders, male is higher. 3. Time of internet surfing has little effect on cyber bullying. 4. Cyber bullying is highly correlated with low empathy and high envy. 5. Empathy and life satisfaction are highly relevant on cyber bullying. 6. Envy is the most predictable factor to cyber bullying.


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