  • 學位論文


A Japanese-Chinese Comparison Study in the Translation of the Express Apologize -On the Basis of the Drama -"Hanzawa Naoki"-

指導教授 : 林寄雯


本論文以2013年由日本TBS電視台播出《半澤直樹》劇本裡所出現的謝罪表現例句作為研究對象。透過這齣日劇可以發現日本人的各種謝罪意識及謝罪表現,其中最令人印象深刻的是在最後一集主角半澤要殺父仇人大和田下跪謝罪的畫面。 序論包含研究目的與研究背景,研究方法與對象。第一章先行研究討論謝罪的定義、翻譯、人際關係等等理論,以及關於日文與中文謝罪表現的對譯研究。第二章以先行研究為依據,收集本論文所要探討的對應上司、同僚、部下等謝罪表現,再將收集的資料統整後進行分析。第三章根據夫妻之間、與工作對象之間的謝罪表現作分析,透過整理後的數據,探討中文與日文在這兩者關係之間的謝罪表現。結論的部分,整理出日文「すまない系」、「ごめん系」、「申し訳ない系」、「わるい系」四種謝罪表現以及中文「抱歉」、「不好意思」、「對不起」三種謝罪表現進行分析,再以收集的資料為依據,探討日文與中文謝罪表現的特徵。 從本論文的分析得知,日本縱型社會的人際關係也顯現在謝罪表現。根據日劇《半澤直樹》的字幕分析可以瞭解,「申し訳ない系」對上司使用的次數最多,「ごめん系」對上司完全不使用,「わるい系」只對同輩使用。相當於中文「抱歉」的「申し訳ない」對於上司、同輩、部下都會使用。而夫妻之間最常使用的日文謝罪表現為「ごめん系」,中文最常使用的謝罪表現為「抱歉」。銀行員與客戶之間為了保持良好關係,最常使用的謝罪表現與對應上司的謝罪表現幾乎相同,日文的謝罪表現只使用「申し訳ない系」,中文最常使用的謝罪表現則是「抱歉」。銀行員對於國稅局職員或是金融廳主任檢察官的日文謝罪表現中,最常使用的是和對應上司相同的「申し訳ない系」,中文的謝罪表現中最常使用的是「不好意思」。從上述的分析結果可得知,日本在謝罪表現方面確實的遵守上下關係,相對的在中華圈的社會裡較不要求。 今後的課題為,將上述日文與中文的謝罪場面從謝罪心理的角度進行分析,探究謝罪表現與心理的關係。接著依據追溯謝罪言語行動形成的歷史,納入社會文化的背景。


This thesis analyzes the Japanese-Chinese translation of the 2013 debuted Japanese TBS tele-drama "Hanzawa Naoki" (半澤直樹 ), focusing on its expressions of apology. This study has demonstrated how Japanese expressions are revealed in differnt methods, thus tiggering differnt translation from Japanese into Chinese. The introduction includes the purposes, the research background, the definition of expressions of apology and related translation theories. The first chapter deals with the definition of the expressions of apology in previous studies. The second chapter analyzes the data of translations from Japanese into Chinese, including three groups of societal domains; namely, the employers, the colleagues, and the employees.The second chapter investigates the expressions of apology between husbands and wives concerning the expression of apology and the relevant Chinese translation as contrast studies. In conclusion, for types of Japanese methods of expressions of apology and three types of corresponding Chinese are demonstrated. This thesis has discovered that societal interpersonal relationships that have appeared in the tele-drama of "Hanzawa Naoki"(半澤直樹) reveal the Japanese longitude societal interpersonal relationship conditions. Levels of presence of psychology and differnt wordings have characterized different ways of the corresponding expressions of apology into the translation of Chinese. The group of "moushiwakenai"(申し訳ない系) is used the most towards the employees. The group of "gomen"(ごめん系)is never used towards the employees while the "waruii" group (わるい系) is only used among peers. As far as this group is concerned the Chinese tranlation of "buhaoyisi" ( 不好意思)is mostly used. The group of "gomen" is most frequently used among the spouses while in Chinese "baoqian"(抱歉) parallels the most appeared translation. The above analysis has shown that the expressions of apology are relatively set in Japanese society while in Chinese the expressions of apology are more lossely required. The future study includes further analysis of the above-mentioned apology domains in Japanese-Chinese translation based on the study of psychology to investigate relations between expression of apology and psychology. Besides, the history of the expression of apology and its relevance to societal relations will be put into research.


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張怡凡(2015)「日本の職場実態から見る権謀術数 : 半沢厚黒学を中心に」淡江大学日本語文学系碩士班
