  • 學位論文


Exploreing the Intention of Information Sharing about Community Users- Evidence from Facebook

指導教授 : 陳意文


臉書社群是近幾年比較熱門的研究主題,而與資訊分享相關之研究,也較多以臉書社群為例,且亦有部份研究成果,然而深入其中探討社會支持、分享態度與主觀規範等對資訊分享意圖影響的相關研究較為缺乏,因此,本研究將以臉書社群使用者做為研究對象進行探討。 本研究以社會支持與理性行為理論作為研究基礎,主要目的在於瞭解臉書社群使用者現況與資訊分享意圖,探討社群使用者社會支持、分享態度與主觀規範之感受度,對於資訊分享意圖之間的關聯性。研究方法採用量化之問卷調查方式,本研究結果歸納如下: 1.臉書使用者在社會支持感受程度上,受到年齡、教育程度以及使用行為變數(接觸臉書時間、平均一天瀏覽時間)影響。 2.臉書使用者在分享態度感受上,僅受到教育程度的影響。 3.臉書使用者在主觀規範感受上,受到年齡、教育程度與平均一天瀏覽時間影響。 4.臉書使用者在資訊分享意圖行為表現上,未受到使用行為變數之影響,但受到年齡與教育程度影響。 5.臉書使用者在分享態度、主觀規範的感受與資訊分享意圖皆呈現顯著且正向影響。


The subject of research probing into the social networking websites is more popular in recent years. A number of researches related to information sharing take Facebook for example. There is a lack of relevant researches on the effect of social support, sharing attitude and sensibility of subjective norm on intention of information sharing. Therefore, this research takes Facebook users as the research object. Based on the theory of social support and rational behavior, the purpose of this research is to explore the current situation of Facebook users and intention of information sharing, and to explore the effect of support of social networking websites, sharing attitude and sensibility of subjective norm on intention of information sharing. This research is conducted by questionnaire survey. The results of this research are summarized as follows: First, social support of Facebook users is affected by age, education level, and behavioral variables. (total browsing time and average daily browsing time) Second, sharing attitude of Facebook users is only affected by education level. Third, sensibility of subjective norm is affected by age, education level and average daily browsing time. Fourth, intention of information sharing of Facebook users is affected by age and education level, but isn't affected by behavioral variables. Fifth, sharing attitude and sensibility of subjective norm have positive correlations with intention of information sharing.


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