  • 學位論文


Some Sequences of Multiple Integral Associated with Convex Functions

指導教授 : 陳功宇


令 f∶I⊆R→R 是有界的Lebesgue可積函數,g∶[a,b]→I 是一個連續函數,且對所有 n∈N,{q_i (n)∶1≤i≤n} 是一個正實數序列。 我們定義下列序列: A_n (f,g;q)∶= 1/(b-a)^n ∫_([a,b]^n)f((q_1 (n)g(x_1 )+⋯+q_n (n)g(x_n ))/Q_n ) dx, 這裡 Q_n∶=∑_(i=1)^n〖q_i (n) 〗 ,dx=dx_1⋯dx_n 。   我們探討序列 A_n (f,g;q)的收斂及估計。


Let f∶I⊆R→R be a bounded Lebesgue integrable function, g∶[a,b]→I be continuous function, and for each n∈N, {q_i (n)∶1≤i≤n} is a sequence of positive real numbers. We define the sequence: A_n (f,g;q)∶= 1/(b-a)^n ∫_([a,b]^n)f((q_1 (n)g(x_1 )+⋯+q_n (n)g(x_n ))/Q_n ) dx, where Q_n=∑_(i=1)^n〖q_i (n) 〗, dx=dx_1⋯dx_n. We investigate the properties of convergence and estimation of the sequence A_n (f,g;q).


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