  • 學位論文


A flexible example based image color transfer system

指導教授 : 林慧珍


色彩轉換是一門有趣的研究領域,主要目標是藉由顏色上的改變轉換原始影像的色彩風格。目前大多數已存在的相關方法是根據一張參考影像的顏色資訊對來源影像做色彩轉換,也有少部分方法是讓使用者選擇或提供一些顏色資訊,直接在影像顏色上做修改。 市面上已有許多應用軟體可對影像進行各式各樣的顏色轉換,不過這些工具對初學者來說,若是沒有進行長期間的使用與學習,則難以在短時間內完成理想的轉換結果。 本論文提出一個靈活的以範例為基礎之色彩轉換系統,操作方式從最簡單的全自動模式至進階的選項模式,提供初學者或更高專業等級使用者使用。不只讓初學者能在短期間內熟悉並掌握色彩轉換的基本操作模式,也讓想使用進階功能的使用者,經由多功能的選項得到更細部合意的色彩轉換效果。 實驗結果表明本篇所提出的色彩轉換系統,不只能讓初次操作的使用者以簡單的操作,得到自然的結果,也能讓經由短期學習操作方式的使用者以便捷的操作得到令人滿意的結果。


Color transfer is an interesting topic for research in the field of image processing, whose main task is to automatically alert image’ colors and so to change image’s style as well. Most current methods of color transfer are example-based. Some methods allow the user to provide color information and edit image colors directly on the image. There have been many tools for color transfer available, however most of which are difficult for novices to use and introduce desired results in a short period of time. This paper proposes a flexible example-based color transfer system, which provides two operating modes, an automatic mode and an advanced mode, for novices and expert users, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed color transfer system not only can introduce natural results with simple operation by novices in the first use, but also can produce various desired results by users with short-term learning.


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