  • 學位論文

工作不安全感對幸福感及工作投入之影響 ─ 以正向心理資本為中介變項

The Impact of Job Insecurity on Well-being and Job Involvement - The Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital

指導教授 : 洪英正


近年全球化競爭的趨勢下,企業為保有競爭力,組織變革(重組、併購、縮編等)情況越趨普遍,加上非典型就業人數不斷上升,工作不安全感廣泛地影響許多的工作者。Cooper, Dewe, & O’Driscoll (2001)與De Witte (2005)將工作不安全感視為造成員工的工作壓力主要來源之一,員工對工作不安全感的知覺會影響其工作的態度與行為。 因此,本研究欲探討工作不安全感所帶來之壓力,是否會於員工之幸福感及工作投入上造成負面的影響。並以正向心理資本為中介變項,進一步探討透過增強員工的正向心理資本是否能降低工作不安全感對幸福感及工作投入之負面影響,進而讓員工提升其幸福感與工作投入程度。本研究以台灣之在職工作者為調查對象,採滾雪球與便利抽樣方式,共回收207個有效樣本。經由迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析、T檢定及變異數分析來 驗證各研究假設,研究結果顯示如下: 1.工作者之工作不安全感對其正向心理資本有顯著負向影響。 2.工作者之正向心理資本對其幸福感有顯著正向影響。 3.工作者之正向心理資本對其工作投入有顯著正向影響。 4.工作者之工作不安全感對其幸福感有顯著負向影響。 5.工作者之工作不安全感對其工作投入有顯著負向影響。 6.正向心理資本在工作者之工作不安全感對其幸福感之影響上,有部份中介作用。 7.正向心理資本在工作者之工作不安全感對其工作投入之影響上,有完全中介作用。 8.工作者之部分人口統計變項在工作不安全感、正向心理資本、幸福感及工作投入上,有顯著差異。 最後,綜合本研究結果提出討論,並對學術及企業未來提供參考建議。企業可透過培訓課程增強員工之正向心理資本,來降低工作不安全感對幸福感及工作投入之負面影響,尤其在工作投入的方面更為顯著。


Organizational change (restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, downsizing, etc.) is more common in order to maintain competitiveness on the tend of globalization competition in recent years. Besides, the number of atypical employment is continuous raising result in job insecurity and getting broadly influence on many workers. Job insecurity were viewed as one of the main source of work stress (Cooper, Dewe, & O’Driscoll, 2001; De Witte, 2005). Employees' perceptions of job insecurity will affect their work attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, this study explores whether the stress of job insecurity will result in a negative impact on well-being and job involvement of employees. And using the positive psychological capital as a mediate variable to explore whether it can reduce the negative impact of job insecurity on well-being and job involvement by enhancing the positive psychological capital. And if that is true, thereby it would allow employees to increase their degree of well-being and job involvement. This study was conducted with Taiwanese workers, and through snowball sampling and convenience sampling. A total of 207 effective subjects questionnaires had been collected. By implementing the regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, T-test and ANOVA to verify each hypothesis. The results of this study can be concluded as the following: 1.There is a significantly negative influence on positive psychological capital by job insecurity. 2.There is a significantly positive influence on well-being by positive psychological capital. 3.There is a significantly positive influence on job involvement by positive psychological capital. 4.There is a significantly negative influence on well-being by job insecurity. 5.There is a significantly negative influence on job involvement by job insecurity. 6.There is a partial mediating effect of positive psychological capital between the relationship of job insecurity and well-being. 7.There is a complete mediating effect of positive psychological capital between the relationship of job insecurity and job involvement. 8.Some demographic variables have significant differences on job insecurity, positive psychological capital, well-being and job involvement. Finally, we summarizes the result of this study to propose a discussion, and provide the suggestions for academic research and enterprise’s future plan. Enterprise can enhance their employees’ positive psychological capital through training courses to reduce the negative impact of job insecurity on well-being and job involvement, especially on job involvement because of it is more significant.


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