  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan’s Policy on Indonesian Guest Workers from the Perspective of Homeland Security

指導教授 : 翁明賢


在全球化發展的浪潮下,引發各國移工在國際間穿梭流動。我國於1992年實施就業服務法後,亦正式引進外籍移工至我國工作,至今移工在臺人數已突破67萬人。不過,移工失聯及從事非法活動問題,已逐漸影響我國社會治安,例如在2017年連續發生兩起在我國從事家庭看護工之印尼移工,涉嫌加入伊斯蘭國之事件,不禁令人擔心,這些移工是否有可能會受到恐怖主義之影響,進而威脅到我國國土安全?如何藉由對移工政策的調整與管理,來防止此類事件發生? 本論文首先以文獻分析法,探討國土安全與恐怖主義之概念,藉以掌握最新恐怖主義之發展趨勢以及國土安全之重點工作項目,再輔以研析我國國土安全之管理機制,包含行政院國土安全辦公室之職能、我國國土安全與反恐政策,瞭解其與移工政策之關聯性;另透過研究我國移工政策之歷史沿革與發展脈絡,找出影響移工政策之關鍵因素,並以國土安全之角度,從法制面、組織面、資源面及作為面四個層面,全面檢證我國對印尼之移工政策。研究發現國土安全與移工政策兩者間,如同安全與人權之議題般,常面臨兩難之拉鋸與抉擇。 透過研究後,筆者從法制、組織、資源及作為四個層面,提出以下政策建議:一、《反恐怖行動法草案》、《關鍵基礎設施安全防護條例草案》、《家事勞工保障法草案》之加速立法;二、強化國土辦公室之實質組織化與權責;三、藉由新南向政策獲得更多人才與海外資源;四、建立全民反恐意識,仿效各國之「去激進化計畫」,持續進行「友善穆斯林」政策。期以嚴謹的法規、行政一體的機關合作,以及完善的移工政策與管理制度,為保護我國國土安全奠定基石。


As the tide of globalization continues to push forward, migrant workers from around the world travel back and forth across borders. The Employment Service Act of 1992 officially introduced foreign workers to Taiwan. As of today, the number of foreign workers in Taiwan has exceeded 670,000. However, foreign workers’ going underground and with some of the workers, whose involvement of illegal activities are starting to undermine the integrity of Taiwan’s public safety. In 2017, two Indonesian nursing workers, who allegedly joined Islamic State, were uncovered. One may be concerned that if these foreign workers are more susceptible to terrorism, and if so, if they would be a threat to Taiwan’s homeland security. How can we prevent a looming danger by shaping the policy and the management system of our foreign workers? In this thesis, the author will first examine the concepts of homeland security and terrorism in various publications in order to understand the latest direction of terrorism and major tasks of Taiwan’s homeland security. Second, the author will analyze the administration mechanism of Taiwan’s homeland security, including the functions of Office of Homeland Security and the homeland security and anti-terrorism policies, in order to understand the relations between the mechanism and Taiwan’s foreign worker policy. Third, the author will look into the history and the development of Taiwan’s foreign worker policy, in order to locate the key factors that have influenced it. Forth, from the perspective of homeland security, the author will examine Taiwan’s policy on Indonesian guest workers in four aspects: legislations, organizations, resources and actions. The author recognize that, just as the century-old tug of war between national security and civil rights, there are many dilemmas and difficult decisions in balancing between a tight homeland security and a relaxed foreign worker policy. Lastly, the author will offer policy suggestions as follow, 1. Legislation of Anti-Terrorism Act, Critical Infrastructure Protection Program, and Domestic Worker’s Bill of Rights. 2. Strengthen the organization of the Office of Homeland Security and increase its authority. 3. Attract talents and secure overseas resources through Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy. 4. Raise public awareness of terrorism; Adopt a “De-Radicalization Program”; Promote the “Friendly Muslim” Principle. It is the author’s belief that Taiwan’s homeland security shall be founded upon a more strict and prudent law, also an institution that matches it’s actions with politics, a well-thought-out foreign worker policy and an effective management system.


(一) 英文書籍:
1. Douglas S. Massey and J. Edward Taylor. 2004. International Migration: Prospects and Policies in a Global Market. Oxford: Oxford Scholarship.
2. Maurice D.. 2017. Developing next-generation countermeasures for homeland security threat prevention. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
