  • 學位論文


The Number and Composition of Thai Labor in Taiwan-Trend and Formation Factors

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


1989年起臺灣正式輸入泰國勞工迄今將近30年的歷史,在2006年之前均是我國外籍勞動市場人數最多的族群,更曾於2000年佔外籍總數44%之比重;歷經2000至2013年間數量逐年鋭減,直至2017年佔外籍總數僅9%之比重,如此大幅度的趨勢變化,深具理論分析與學術研究之價值,亦是本研究目的之源起。 在臺泰籍勞工趨勢變化是諸多因素作用的結果,研究發現在「組成」變化上,除教育水準提升以中學程度佔多數,及女性勞工比例微幅成長外,最顯著的差異在於行業別中「製造業」與「營造業」的比重變化,目前在臺泰籍勞工95%分布在製造業、4%分布營造業、社福業則維持1%之比重。在「數量」變化上,一方面囿於組成特性,以致先後受我國外勞政策緊縮及產業結構變化等因素影響,使在臺人數大量減少;另一方面則是泰國東北及北部地區與我國薪資差距逐年縮減,以及中東與歐美地區外籍勞動需求增加,使泰國勞工來臺工作需求減少。 在臺泰籍勞工出國工作途徑方面,採「私人仲介機構」者約佔98%,致使多數勞工為支付仲介費,來臺前即背負高額的貸款,加上來臺後須繳納相關法定規費,在我國經濟景氣不佳時,薪資所得尚不足支付沉重的勞務成本,直接影響其續留或來臺工作意願;而後雖因泰國勞工來臺需求減少,其母國仲介業者主動調降仲介費,惟受人力仲介市場以營利導向機制之影響,縱然我國產業類外勞需求增加、兩地薪資差距擴大,2013年以後在臺泰籍勞工數量仍未有增加之勢。 泰國主要勞務輸出國勞動市場條件比較方面,臺灣迄今仍是泰國海外勞工份額最多的國家,其次依序是以色列及南韓等國,研究發現雖其薪資較我國優渥,由於以、韓外籍勞工政策及其它條件限制,使泰國勞工難以大規模輸入;觀察2013-2017年三國輸入總量變化,並未發現來臺泰國勞工大量減少,或以色列及南韓有相對增加之現象,顯示對在臺泰籍勞工數量上的變化影響並不顯著;然未來須視其農業及製造業核配名額開放程度,或泰國海外勞工組成特性是否符合其它職業別而定。


Since 1989, Taiwan has officially imported Thai labor for nearly 30 years. Before 2006, it was the dominant foreign labor market group in Taiwan. It also accounted for 44% of the total number of foreign workers in 2000. From 2000 to 2013, the portion declined gradually, reaching a low of 9% in 2017. It is such the drastic change that triggers the motivation of my research, which hopes to bring along the in-depth analyses and the value of my paper. In the change of Thai labor trend many factors come into play. In terms of “composition”, the study found that education level mostly raises to middle school and that the proportion of female workers increases slightly. The most significant difference lies in the industry ratio distribution with currently 95% of workers distributed in manufacturing industry , 4% in construction industry and social welfare maintaining at 1%. Regarding the "quantity" change, on the one hand, the total number, constricted by the traits of composition, is affected by factors such as the tightening of foreign labor policies and changes in industrial structure, causing the number of Thai workers in Taiwan to reduce greatly. On the other hand, the shrinking wage gap between northeastern and northern regions of Thailand and Taiwan and the increasing need for foreign labor in the Middle East and Europe and the United States also contribute to the reduction of the demand for Thai workers to work in Taiwan. As for the working medium for Thai workers to work abroad, approximately 98% adopt the platform of "private agency", incurring a considerable agency fees and costly loans before coming to Taiwan. In addition, they will have to pay relevant statutory fees after arriving in Taiwan. During our economic downturn, wages earned are not enough to pay off heavy labor costs, directly affecting their willingness to stay or work in Taiwan. Later on, the demand for Thai workers to Taiwan has decreased, and their home country brokers have taken the initiative to reduce the agency fees. However, due to the profit-oriented mechanism of the manpower market, even though the need for industrial foreign workers in Taiwan has increased and the wage gap between the two places has widened, the number of Thai workers in Taiwan has not increased since 2013. Concerning the comparisons of labor market conditions among Thailand's major labor exporting countries, Taiwan is still the country with the largest share of overseas workers in Thailand, followed by Israel and South Korea, etc. The study found that the salary in Israel and Korea is better than that of Taiwan, however, owing to the two exporting countries' limitations of foreign labor policy and other requirements, which has made it difficult for Thai workers to import on a large scale. When observing the changes in the total input of the three countries in 2013-2017, there has not been a significant decrease in the number of Thai laborers coming to Taiwan, or a relative increase in Israel and South Korea. It indicates that the impact of the change in quantity is not noticeable. Nevertheless, in the future, it still has to depend on the degree of openness to the agricultural and manufacturing quotas, or whether the composition of overseas workers in Thailand is in line with other occupations.


