  • 學位論文


Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Autonomous Flight Control System Using Graphical Interface

指導教授 : 蕭照焜


本論文探討利用MATLAB環境下的Pixhawk Pilot Support Package直接使用Simulink設計,以圖形化介面設計四旋翼無人機之自主飛行控制系統,並進行編譯與燒錄的動作。系統所使用的控制器是使用PI Controller,並使用MATLAB Control System Toolbox裡面的PID Tuning尋找合適的gain值,在經由MATLAB Simulink模擬驗證。硬體迴路模擬的部分,Pixhawk與X-Plane之間採用UDP傳輸,並在X-Plane上使用Plane Maker建立四旋翼的模型,以增加數據真實度。最後實際飛行來測試控制律的結果,證明Pixhawk PX4韌體的可更動性與準確性。


This thesis investigates the design of autonomous flight control system for quadrotor UAVs using graphical interfaces. The Simulink design tools with Pixhawk Pilot Support Package under MATLAB environment are used extensively during the design study. After completing the design, we can directly proceed to compile the design and generate the computer code. PI controllers are selected for stabilization for the quadrotor UAV. A quadrotor model is also built using Plane Maker for X-Plane simulation. The UDP communication protocol is used between Pixhawk and X-Plane for hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Finally, flight test is conducted to demonstrate the success of the design.


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