  • 學位論文


The Representation of Black Women: Sisterhood and Motherhood in Toni Morrison’s Sula and Love

指導教授 : 鄧秋蓉


本文研究以童妮.摩里森<<蘇拉>>及<<愛>>中的黑人女性為主旨,探討從1920年代至190年代中的不同主題:黑人姊妹情誼、母親、性別議題、種族問題、父權、奴隸制度。進一步探討黑人姊妹情誼、母親、以及黑人男性在黑人社會中的彼此互相關聯。 第一章探討黑人社群中的姊妹情誼及團結的可能或不可能性。成長於不同的家庭背景,蘇拉及奈兒之間的不同之處在他們第一次見面時就被對方所吸引。然而,蘇拉的獨立、獨特、及反傳統造成了她與奈兒以及黑人社群之間的衝突。 第二章探討克莉絲汀及留心之間的黑人姊妹情可能性。來自於不同的社會階級以及家庭背景,克莉絲汀及留心的姊妹情誼幫助她們克服了不同的問題。然而比爾柯西與留心的婚姻,使得克莉絲汀及留心的姊妹情開始動搖甚至崩解。 第三章探討此兩本小說中黑人男性在黑人社群中的不同角色及功能。在<<蘇拉>>中,黑人男性扮演著缺席及無能的父親,由於無法獲得理想的工作,導致黑人男性失去提供家庭經濟來源的功能,進而使得他們無法在家庭及社群當中扮演稱職的父親角色。在<<愛>>中,扮演著不同角色的比爾柯西深深地影響著他周遭的黑人女性,甚至他與留心的婚姻導致了整個家庭的分崩離析。 總結以上對於童妮.摩里森<<蘇拉>>及<<愛>>中的討論,由於黑人男性所扮演的不同角色,黑人女性也需要改變她們在家庭社會中所扮演的角色。透過黑人女性中的姊妹情誼及團結能夠幫助她們克服困境以及不同的社會問題。


In Sula and Love, Toni Morrison attempts to deal with and examine different themes, such as black sisterhood, motherhood, gender issues, racial problems, patriarchy and even slavery, in the black community from the 1920s to the 1990s. This thesis will focus on black sisterhood, motherhood, and black men’s dysfunction as well as malfunctioning, absent father. In chapter one, I attempt to examine and question the possibility of black sisterhood and solidarity among black women in the black community. Growing up in the different family backgrounds, the sisterhood between Sula and Nel is formed when they first meet each other. However, later in this novel, we can find that the values Sula sticks to are completely different from Nel; the former is unconventional, unique, and independent, while the latter follows the old traditions in the Bottom community, such as getting married, giving birth, and taking care of the family. In chapter two, I put my main focus on the possibility of black sisterhood between Christine and Heed. The two main characters come from different social classes, but their attraction to each other helps them cross the barrier of class to form black sisterhood. Due to the marriage between Bill Cosey and Heed, the sisterhood between Christine and Heed starts to crumble even though they are attracted by each other at their first meeting. In this novel, Toni Morrison depicts how the patriarchal figure destroys the black sisterhood between Heed and Christine by marrying Heed. In chapter three, my main argument focuses on the malfunctioning absent father, and incompetent as well as irresponsible black men in the black community. In Sula and Love, Toni Morrison provides us with different images of black men. In Sula, the black men in the Bottom community fail to be the economic providers and become malfunctioning absent father. Since black men fail to get the decent jobs to show their capability and masculinity, they seem to be castrated and become incompetent in their family. In Love, we can argue that the author continues to consider the issues of gender and race and their impact on how women can or cannot form a strong sense of independence, and how their self-identities are damaged due to social influences. Due to the various roles of black men, black women also have to change their roles as well in their family. It seems that Toni Morrison provides us with the solution or the alternative to help black women overcome their predicament and the paternal/patriarchal authority; that is, the black sisterhood and the solidarity among all black women.


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