  • 學位論文


A study on the Strategy of Urban Rainstorm Storage Design by Climate Variability

指導教授 : 王文安
共同指導教授 : 陳珍誠


經工業革命後,都市以飛快的速度成長,隨著都市化的來臨,都市面臨到人口的大量流入,且土地的使用密度大幅提高,在種種因素下,所造成之環境衝擊甚大,其中,氣候變遷所引發的極端氣候,嚴重的影響到都市建設的發展。在都市發展上,建築體以及道路系統被大量的興建,使原有大片的綠地不斷被壓縮、分割,造成都市周邊的綠地空間有嚴重不足的情形產生,此時,建築體不僅因空氣無法順利流動而形成一個龐大的蓄熱體以外,更因道路系統的發展,使地表的不透水化之情況嚴重,進而引發都市災洪。 目前的極端氣候問題嚴重的影響到全球各地,為了達到減緩災害所造成的悲劇,本研究將合理的提出改善以及因應措施,將針對都市在面臨暴雨所帶來的衝擊時,以有效的手法,來達到緩解。本研究以探討台北市近年來的都市發展概況、颱風災害特性以及淹水潛勢災害等相關問題,加以整理之後,作為本研究後續思考與規劃設計之基礎。 將於第四章以及第五章提出兩種改善手法:一為以建築體的立體式來進行改善,目的在於增加建築體本身的蓄水能力,本研究以原有的四層樓之雙拼住宅作為示範區域,並計算出其建築的可蓄水量,以達到緩解暴雨所造成的淹水問題。二為以都市的平面式來進行改善,目的在於增加整體的滲透以及蓄水能力,而本研究將以原有的帶狀公園來達到此目的。


Since the industrial revolution, cities grew fast. With urbanization, more people moved to cities and the density of land use increased greatly. Due to many reasons, the impacts of the environment are very serious. There is one thing should be noted, the climate change has caused the extreme climate. The extreme climate has seriously affected the development of urban construction. In the urban development, buildings and the road systems have been extensively constructed, furthermore, green spaces have been continuously compressed and divided. It causes a serious shortage of green spaces around cities. At this point, the building is not only unable to pass through the air and become a large regenerator, but also the development of road systems has made the surface impervious to serious conditions, which is led to floods. The current extreme climate problem has seriously affected the whole world. In order to bring down disaster losses, this study will propose reasonable improvement measures, which could help urban areas to face the impact of heavy rain and improved. This study was based on recently the urban development profiles of Taipei City, the characteristics of typhoon disasters and flooding potential disasters and other related issues. It is used as the basis for follow-up thinking and planning design. In this study, there are two improvement methods will be proposed: First, to improve the three-dimensional structure of the building. It is to increase the water storage capacity of the building. This study used the original four-story double-family house as a demonstration area and calculated the water storage capacity of the building to decrease the damage of the flooding caused by heavy rain. Second, to improve the urban flat. This is to increase the overall penetration and water storage capacity. This study used the original strip park to achieve this goal.


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