  • 學位論文

超時工作對工作壓力與工作績效之影響 -以升遷意願為調節變項

The Effect of Overtime Work on Job Stress and Job Performance- Using Promotion Intention as the Moderator

指導教授 : 洪英正 張雍昇


隨著時代變遷,超時工作已成為上班族生活中的一部分,因此本研究期望對超時工作後與工作者的工作壓力及工作績效方面進行探討,並且加入升遷意願作為調節變項,以了解若有較強之升遷意願,是否能減少其工作壓力或增強其工作績效?以及不同人口統計變項在超時工作、工作壓力、工作績效及升遷意願上之關係,用以提供管理階層及相關決策單位參考,作為企業參考之依據。 由Li, Dai, Zhang, Shu, Wu, Gao, Sun, & Fu(2018)、Yoon, Ryu, Kim, Won Kang & Jung-Choi (2018)研究發現超時工作會增加工作者工作壓力; Jehangir, Kareem, Khan, Jan & Soherwardi (2011)研究則可以發現工作時數的增長會導致工作績效降低;由Helmreich & Spence (1978)等人研究中發現升遷意願在超時工作對工作壓力之影響上會有顯著負向調節作用,再由Sari, Sumantri & Idris (2018)研究發現升遷意願在超時工作對工作績效之影響上具有顯著正向調節作用。基於以上之研究文獻,本研究推論出假設一至假設五。 本研究以在職工作者為研究對象,抽樣方式則以便利抽樣及滾雪球抽樣來獲取資料樣本,共回收有效問卷278份,並運用SPSS統計分析軟體進行敘述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、相關性分析、T檢定、變異數分析、迴歸分析及層級迴歸分析,研究結果如下: 1. 假設一:超時工作對工作壓力有顯著正向影響-成立。 2. 假設二:超時工作對工作績效有顯著負向影響-不成立。 3. 假設三:升遷意願在超時工作對工作壓力影響上,有顯著負向調節作用-不成立。 4. 假設四:升遷意願在超時工作對工作績效影響上,有顯著正向調節作用-成立。 5. 假設五:不同人口統計變項的工作者,在超時工作、工作壓力、工作績效及升遷意願上有顯著差異-部分成立。 針對上述結果,本研究提出相關管理意涵與建議。建議企業應注意員工超時加班之情形,若可將加班時數控制於臨界值之內,可有效降低工作壓力及增加工作績效;同時也應注重員工升遷意願,如果能夠了解並掌握升遷意願高的員工,則超時工作反而對此類員工而言可提升績效,因此分析員工的升遷意願並善加利用,可有效提升企業營運績效。整體而言,超時加班已經成為現在趨勢,企業若能在績效與員工之間取得平衡,形成雙贏之局面,為企業應該考慮之一大課題。


Along with the change of the times, overtime work has become a part of working life. Therefore, this study expects to discuss the job stress and job performance of employees after overtime work, and then adding promotion intention as a moderator variable. In order to understand whether a strong desire for promotion intention can reduce job stress or enhance job performance? As well as the relationship among different demographic variables on overtime work, job stress, job performance and promotion intention to provide as a reference for management and relevant decision-making units as a basis for enterprise reference. Li, Dai, Zhang, Shu, Wu, Gao, Sun, & Fu(2018)、Yoon, Ryu, Kim, Won Kang & Jung-Choi (2018) found that overtime work will increase the job stress of employees. Jehangir, Kareem, Khan, Jan & Soherwardi (2011) mentioned that the increase in working hours leads to a decrease in job performance; In the study by Helmreich & Spence et al. (1978), it was found that promotion intention has a significant negative moderating effect on overtime work. Then, Sari, Sumantri & Idris (2018) found that promotion intention has a significant positive effect on the impact of overtime work on job performance. Based on the above research literature, this study deduces hypothesis one to five. This study takes on-the-job workers as research objects. Data samples were obtained by convenience sampling and snowball sampling. A total of 278 valid questionnaires were collected. The SPSS statistical analysis software was use for Descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, T-test, variance analysis, regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Hypothesis 1:Overtime work has a significant positive impact on job stress-supposted. 2. Hypothesis 2:Overtime work has a significant negative impact on job performance-unsupposted.. 3. Hypothesis 3:Promotion intention has a significant negative moderator effect on the impact of job stress to overtime work. -unsupposted. 4. Hypothesis 4:Promotion intention has a significant positive moderator effect on the impact of job stress to job performance. -supposted. 5. Hypothesis 5:Workers with different demographic variables have some significant differences in overtime work, job stress, job performance and promotion intention. –partitial supposted In view of the above results, this study proposes relevant management implications and recommendations. It is suggested that enterprises should pay attention to overtime work. If overtime hours can be controlled within the critical value, it can effectively reduce job stress and increase job performance. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the employee's intention of promotion. If employees with high promotion intention can be understood and mastered, overtime work can improve job performance for them Therefore, analyzing employees' promotion intention and making good use can effectively improve business performance. Overall, overtime work has become a current trend, if enterprise can strike a balance between performance and employees to set up a win-win situation,which is a major issue should be considered for companies.


