  • 學位論文

國小低年級學生實施差異化閱讀教學 之行動研究

Action Research on the implementation of lower-grade elementary students' differential Reading Strategy

指導教授 : 李蕙如


本研究採行動研究法,探究差異化教學在低年級閱讀教學之行動研究實施與結果。以研究者任教的小學二年級一個班級7名學童為研究對象,實施差異化閱讀教學方案。本研究方案分為三個階段,進行十二次的教學,共計二十四節課的教學活動。研究過程中與專家教師進行協同教學,依據閱讀理解能力測驗、教學現場中發現的問題、學習檔案、教師教學省思札記、協同教師觀察記錄以及隨堂錄音等檔案資料,透過計畫、行動、觀察、反省、修正的循環歷程,探究教學行動歷程與發現,重新檢視教學內容並加以修正,然後再實施以完成整個行動研究。本研究的結論如下: 壹、發展差異化閱讀教學之歷程 一、厚植差異化閱讀教學之理念,落實差異化閱讀教學之實踐。 二、精進閱讀提問技巧,營造班級友善學習環境。 三、調整閱讀文本與評量方式,滿足不同學習需求。 貳、差異化閱讀教學有效提升學生閱讀理解能力 一、閱讀理解能力的提升。 二、提問架構有助於學生掌握文本的閱讀理解。 三、營造班級閱讀氛圍與同儕共學的默契。


Based on methodology of action study, this research is aimed to explore the implementation and the effect of differentiated instruction on reading for primary level students. The subjects are seven second graders from author’s own class, to which a program of differentiated instruction on reading has been implemented through three phases with twelve rounds in twenty-four periods in total. With aid and participation of an on-site-in-class professional, the author administered reading comprehension tests after learning-teaching activities, collected problems emerged, documented student learning profiles, kept self-reflection notes, reflected on observation feedbacks by coordinator teacher, and listened to in-class-audio-recordings afterwards. Abiding by multiple-loop approaches to action research as planning, taking action, collecting and analyzing evidence and reflecting, the author reexamined teaching content and activities and then amend and adjust accordingly. The result of this study is as follows: A. Consolidation of the implementation of differentiating instruction on reading 1.Application of differentiating instruction on reading by putting it into practice to the core. 2.Advancement of inquiry skills on reading comprehension and developing a more friendly learning environment. 3.Adjustment of reading texts and methods of examination to meet different learning needs. B.Improvement of student reading comprehension by differentiated reading instruction 1.Better reading comprehension 2.Scaffolding of inquiry helps students better understanding reading text 3.Successfully cultivating love-to-read atmosphere inside class and increasing peer-assisted learning on reading


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丘愛鈴(2013)。成就每一個學生:差異化教學之理念與教學策略。教育研究月 刊,231,18-033。
