  • 學位論文

生涯自我效能、生涯調適力與人力資本關係之研究 -以志願役軍人面臨退伍議題為例

The Relationship among Career Self-Efficacy,Career Adaptability and Human Capital-A Case Study of Voluntary Military facing Retirement

指導教授 : 李旭華


近年來政府推動國防組織再造,進而放寬志願役招募標準,使得這些進入軍中服役之志願役官士兵在工作認同上較為薄弱且容易於高壓環境下衍生出許多適應問題,也導致青壯年退伍官兵人數大幅增加,接踵而來的問題便是就業狀況普遍不佳,形成人力資源的浪費。 而本研究透過量化方式進行分析,來探討志願役軍人在面臨退伍議題時,人力資本、生涯自我效能與生涯調適力三者之關係,希冀從中瞭解人力資本的累積使否影響生涯自我效能與生涯調適力,以供志願役軍人在生涯抉擇時能有依循之方向。 本研究採問卷調查法,以國防醫學院軍費碩博士生、行政同仁及政戰幹部為主體,前後問卷施測共計205份,其中有效樣本為191份、無效樣本14份,有效回收率達 93.1%。而本研究透過敘述性統計分析、信效度分析、單因子變異數分析及相關分析等統計方式進行探討。研究結果發現:(1)生涯自我效能與生涯調適力呈顯著正相關;(2)人力資本對生涯自我效能與生涯調適力無顯著影響;(3)人力資本的累積對生涯自我效能及生涯調適力不具預測效果。


Recently, the government has promoted the organizational reengineering of national defense, and then relaxed the recruitment standards for voluntary military. The relaxation of standards makes voluntary military is not recognized in the workplace, and will have many problems to adapt in a high pressure environment. In addition, it also leads to a significant increase in the number of young voluntary military who be demobilized. Eventually, the employment situation is not good and to occur the human resources wasting. A quantification method was chosen, to study the relationship among career self-efficacy, career adaptability and human capital when voluntary military facing retirement issues. The study may be of importance in understanding the influence of cumulative human capital with career self-efficacy and career adaptability, as well as in providing voluntary military with a better way of career planning. The method to carry out this study was using a survey technique, subjects were masters, PhD students, administrative colleagues and political warfare leaders in the National Defense Medical Center, through the descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, analysis of variance and correlation analysis to study and explore. The pretest-posttest design was 205, 191 valid samples, 14 invalid samples as well as the rate of valid return were 93.1%. The results were: (1) career self-Efficacy was correlated with career adaptability; (2) human capital was not correlated with career self-Efficacy; and (3) cumulative human capital has not a predictive effect with career self-efficacy and career adaptability.


