  • 學位論文


Human rights and their consignment in the Constitution of Democratic Republics, a brevely comparative study between Republic of Chile and Republic of China (Taiwan)

指導教授 : 王秀琦


民主國家在行使主權時會因基本人權受到限制,而這些權利是人生而應有的權利。因此為了保障這些權利,每個國家將大多數的基本權利納入政治憲法的規範。 正因基本人權的重要性,它們還被納入國際條約的規定中,並被世界各國廣泛的遵守。 本論文以歷史回顧為開頭,整合承認和建立人權進展的主要里程碑,直至聯合國確立人權的定義,並被現今世界所採用。 由於人權理論的廣泛,必須概述和界定本研究的範圍,因此本論文將檢視所謂的第一代人權利(生命權、保持身心完整之權、意識形態或信仰自由權等)和第二代人權(例如:社會保障權、健康權和受教權)。 本論文將回顧,智利與中華民國這兩個採取民主制度的國家的基本權利是如何在政治憲法中體現,但智利和台灣在地理和文化上相距遙遠,最後將針對兩國如何保障這些權利做出簡要的比較,儘管對於前述之人權均給予保障,但在第一代和第二代人權保護的細節和範圍上仍存在著差異。


人權 基本權利 憲法保障


The exercise of the sovereignty of democratic States is restricted by the called fundamental rights of man or human rights, which correspond to the essential rights emanating from human nature. That is why to guarantee them, the majority of them is enshrined in the political constitution of each country. Such is their importance that they are even stipulated in international treaties that for most of these rights have a practically global adhesion. This thesis begins with a historical review that brings together the main milestones of the progress in the recognition and establishment of human rights, until reaching the generation of the definition that is currently used worldwide coined by the United Nations. Due to the broad nature of the concept, it is necessary to outline and restrict the rights under study, which is why the so-called first generation rights (right to life, physical and mental integrity, ideological or cult freedom, among others) are reviewed. and second generation (for example: right to social security, right to health and right to education). A review is made of how these fundamental rights are enshrined in the Political Constitutions of two countries with regimes of democratic governments, but geographically and culturally very distant as the Republic of Chile and the Republic of China (Taiwan) , to finish with a brief comparative study between how these rights are guaranteed in these countries, noting that in general terms both countries protect the revised human rights although in the detail and scope of the protection in the exercise they note a difference between the rights of first generation and second generation.


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