  • 學位論文


Research on Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction and Public Service Motivation

指導教授 : 黃一峯


本研究以「警察」為研究對象,探討 Dr Yang 的 LPI 人格特質在公共服務動機之下做調節與工作滿意度之關聯性。本研究以 LPI 人格特質包含 O、N、A、R、D 五種人格特質為主要的影響 因素且帶入 PSM(公共服務動機)作為調節,探討 LPI 人格特質及工作滿意度之間的關係。 本研究以封閉式問卷調查進行實證研究資料蒐集,問卷題項共分為三個部份,為LPI人格 特質影響量表、工作滿意度、個人屬性資料變項,使用 SPSS17.0 中文版套裝軟體,進行資料統 計分析,利用 SPSS 以 t 檢定、One-Way ANOVA、皮爾遜績差相關係數、多元迴歸等來進行資料 分析。 本研究問卷之發放方式,利用 Survey Monkey 網站架設問卷。將連結網址傳給中央警察大學 108 年 39 期警佐訓練班四類第二梯 B 班學員利用課餘時間填寫,由於回收份數較少,再由學員長 轉發民航局同仁,利用公餘填寫,總計回收 255 份問卷, 剔除填答不完整問卷 75 份, 共計 180 份 有效問卷納入本研究分析,。 研究結果顯示 LPI 人格特質對「從警年資、婚姻」有正向關係之假設部份成立,工作滿意度 對「年齡、從警年資、職業類型」有正向關係之假設部份成立,公共服務動機對「從警年資」有 正向關係之假設部份成立,人格特質對工作滿意度有顯著的影響,公共服務動機在人格特質與工 作滿意度之間具有中介效果。本研究依據研究結果,針對警察人員與未來研究提出管理意涵以及 未來研究之建議。 關鍵字:人格特質、工作滿意度、公共服務動機


This study, which takes the police as the subject, investigates the relevance between Dr Yang's LPI personality traits under public service motivation and work satisfaction. We took five personalities (O. N. A. R. D) as the main affecting factors and put them into PSM as regulations to examine the connection between personalities and work satisfaction. In this Study, closed-ended questionnaires were used to collect the information in need. The questions could be separated into three parts. One is the LPI personality trait impact scale, another is the work satisfaction, and the other is attribute variable. First, we set up an online questionnaire on Survey Monkey website, and then share the link to Central Police University 108 years 39 police training class four class 2 ladder B class students. However, the questionnaires we got back were not so many, so we forwarded the link to the workers in Civil Aeronautics Administration ( CAA ) . Eventually, We received 255 questionnaires back in total. 180 valid ones were retrieved, and 75 uncompleted ones were excluded. Then, we use SPSS 17.0 Chinese software to do statistic analysis and SPSS with t-test、One-Way ANOVA、Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient、Regression Analysis to analyze all the information we got. The result showed that the assumption of the correlation between the LPI personality traits and the police’s seniority, plus marriage, was positive. So did the relevance between public service motivation and the police’s seniority. Therefore, one’s personalities affect greatly on his or her work satisfaction. And public service motivation acts as a mediator between the two. Eventually, based on results, this research suggests management and further investigation for the police and future researches.


王光旭(2019)。提升社區據點志工的公共服務動機:組織社會化觀點之探析。T&D飛訊 第250期。
吳宗憲 (2012),台南市政府文官公共服務動機與工作滿意、工作努力意願之實證研究 —以個人∕組織配適度作為調節變項。公共行政學報,第四十三期,91-126。
