  • 學位論文


The Research of Multimedia Streaming Optimization based on SDN and Virtual Content Delivery Network

指導教授 : 衛信文


現在網路直播與影像串流已大量的融入人們的生活中,而直播影像大多都是透過CDN(內容分發網路)來搭建,但隨著使用者的激增與服務品質保證的考量,若只是透過增加硬體設備來減緩網路頻寬壅塞,容易造成營運成本及維護上的困難。vCDN則是上述問題的解決方式之一,vCDN(虛擬化CDN) 利用虛擬化技術將實體主機資源虛擬化,根據客戶對服務的要求,為客戶分配相應的資源和網路,以提供靈活的內容分發服務。此外,透過引入SDN技術可以因應用戶差異化及動態變化的業務需求,進而提供快速精準的服務。 因此,為了讓目前的多媒體串流環境更加地友善,讓使用者能夠更加快速地取得多媒體資源,本論文提出了「基於軟體定義網路(SDN)與 vCDN 整合之多媒體串流傳輸最佳化研究」,主要目的是透過引入網路功能虛擬化技術(NFV),為多個用戶提供內容分發服務(vCDN),達成資源共享的多媒體串流服務,並利用軟體定義網路(SDN)以及多重路徑演算法,在確保串流傳輸效率與服務品質(QoS)的前提下,透過適當 vCDN之部屬,在兼顧系統成本的同時達成用戶等級要求(SLA),完成以 SDN 與 vCDN 整合網路架構為主的高效率多媒體串流服務。 實驗結果顯示,此研究改善了傳統網路固有的問題,不僅減少了設備成本,還能增加網路使用效率,使影像串流更順暢。本論文對vCDN研究效益,不僅只帶來 CDN的虛擬化,還有網路功能虛擬化的應用探討,除了可以減少許多不必要的資源浪費,對於我們生活上的便利也有相當大的好處。


Abstract: Nowadays, live webcast and video streaming have been widely used in people's daily lives, and most live or video streaming are delivered through CDN (content delivery network). With the increasing of users and the consideration of service quality assurance, deploy more hardware and equipment is a way to fulfill the demand and to ease the network congestion. However, the operating costs and maintenance difficulties are also increasing while adding more hardware to the infrastructure. Therefore, vCDN is one of the solutions to the above problem. vCDN (virtualized CDN) uses virtualization technology and a unified control platform to isolate the physical resources such as service host and network bandwidth to provide content distribution services according to the users’ requirements for services, and so as to the resources with flexibility and agility. In addition, with the introduction of SDN technology, it can provide fast and accurate services according to the differentiated and dynamic needs of users. Therefore, in order to make the current multimedia streaming environment friendlier and allow users to obtain multimedia resources more quickly, this paper proposes "optimization of multimedia streaming transmission based on the integration of software-defined networking (SDN) and vCDN". First, the main purpose of this thesis is to provide content delivery services (vCDN) for multiple users through the introduction of network function virtualization technology (NFV), to achieve resource sharing. Second, use the technique of software-defined networking (SDN) and appropriate routing algorithms to ensure the premise of quality of service (QoS). Third, deploy vCDN appropriately with the consideration of the system cost and user-level requirements (SLA) to integrate SDN architecture with vCDN to provide cost-aware and high-efficiency multimedia streaming services. The experimental results show that this research improves the inherent problems of the traditional network, not only reduces the cost of equipment but also increases the efficiency of the network, making the streaming smoother. This research not only bring about the virtualization of CDN based on SDN/NFV and the application of virtualization of network functions, which reduce the unnecessary waste of resources but also has considerable benefits for the convenience of our life.


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