  • 學位論文


Viewing the Chinese Communist Party's Taiwan Policy and Taiwan's Response from "Xi Jinping's 5-Point Reunification Proposal for Taiwan"

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 郭展禮


自兩岸分治以來,在不同領導人與不同時代背景之下,兩岸關係的變遷都對台灣具有重要的影響力。從早期的冷對抗零和關係,至逐漸互相開放經濟、文化、社會等交流,中國大陸方面因不同時期之領導人而有不同的對台方針,有些是循序漸進發展,有些是各領導人的新詮釋;台灣方面則因民選總統而有不同政黨輪替,不同意識形態的領導人會影響兩岸關係的緊密或緊張。2019年1月2日,中共領導人習近平於《告台灣同胞書》40周年紀念會上發表對台5點講話,包括「攜手推動民族復興,實現和平統一目標」、「探索兩制台灣方案,豐富和平統一實踐」、「堅持一個中國原則,維護和平統一前景」、「深化兩岸融合發展,夯實和平統一基礎」、「實現同胞心靈契合,增進和平統一認同」,是為「習五點」,成為中共對台政策之最高指導原則。而蔡英文政府則針對習近平所提出之「習五點」進行相應對策,例如:國安五法修法、反滲透法等,使兩岸關係陷入緊張。 本文從中共歷任領導人之對台政策入手,分別探討「鄧六條」、「江八點」、「胡六點」的內容進行分析,由歷史的角度歸納出「習五點」的緣起以並分別進行五點內容之分析,而後對此四項進行比較,以發現習近平對台政策的個人特色。「習五點」的提出並非空前,可以從歷史的脈絡中發現許多規律,且更完整地詮釋了過去領導人的想法,並為其增加新穎的論述,以符合時代需求。台灣方面,蔡英文政府的相應對策反映了民進黨的意識形態,有別於國民黨尋求更多合作,蔡英文政府強調「民主」、「自由」等台灣價值與中共抗衡,除了使兩岸關係更加嚴峻,也導致台灣內部不同聲音更加分化,缺乏共識。由歷史脈絡探討中共對台政策能理清思路;多元尊重、相互理解、減少分化、尋求價值的共識則是台灣未來所必須面對的課題。


Since the separation of the two sides of the strait, under different leaders and different era backgrounds, the changes in cross-strait relations have had an important influence on Taiwan. From the early cold confrontation and zero-sum relationship to the gradual opening of economic, cultural, and social exchanges, Mainland China has different policies towards Taiwan due to leaders of different periods, some are gradual development, some are unique new interpretations of each leader. On the Taiwan side, because of the democratically elected president, different political parties rotate. Leaders of different ideologies will affect the closeness or tension of cross-strait relations. On January 2, 2019, on the 40th anniversary of "A Letter to Compatriots in Taiwan", the Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping delivered a five-point speech to Taiwan in Beijing, Including "Hand in hand to promote national rejuvenation and achieve the goal of peaceful reunification", "Explore a two-system program for Taiwan and enrich the practice of peaceful reunification", "Adhere to the one-China principle and maintain the prospects of peaceful reunification", "Deepen the development of cross-strait integration and consolidate the foundation for peaceful reunification", "Achieving the spiritual harmony of compatriots and enhancing the identification of peaceful unity", Called "Xi's Five Points", it has become the highest guiding principle of the CCP's policy toward Taiwan. The Tsai Ing-wen government has taken corresponding countermeasures against the "Xi's Five Points" proposed by Xi Jinping, such as the amendment of the National Security Five Laws and the Reverse Osmosis Law, which has caused tension in cross-strait relations. This article starts with the Taiwan policy of successive leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, and analyzes the contents of "Deng Xiaoping's 6-points", "Jiang Zemin's 8-points", and "Hu Jintao's 6-points", Summarize the origins of the "Xi's 5-Points" from a historical perspective and analyze the contents of the five points separately. Then, compare the speeches of the four different leaders toward Taiwan to discover the personal characteristics of Xi Jinping's Taiwan policy. The speech of "Xi's 5-Points" is not unprecedented. Many laws can be found in the context of history, and a more complete interpretation of the thoughts of each past leaders, with new expositions added to it to meet the needs of the times. In Taiwan, the corresponding countermeasures of the Tsai Ing-wen government reflect the ideology of the DPP. Unlike the KMT seeking more cooperation, the Tsai Ing-wen government emphasizes Taiwan values such as "democracy" and "freedom" to contend with the CCP. In addition to making cross-strait relations more tense, it has also led to more division of voices within Taiwan and a lack of consensus. Exploring the CCP’s Taiwan policy from the historical context can clarify its thinking; multiple respect, mutual understanding, reduction of differentiation, and consensus on seeking values are issues that Taiwan must face in the future.


中共中央文獻編輯委員會編,《周恩來選集 下卷》(北京:人民出版社,1984年)。
