  • 學位論文


The studies of CCP's Taiwan policy after the 19th China national congress

指導教授 : 張五岳


2016 年政黨再度輪替,由代表民進黨蔡英文總統執政,蔡英文總統在就職典禮演說中,對於眾所矚目的兩岸關係,僅尊重1992 年兩岸兩會會談的歷史事實而不承認「九二共識」和認同其核心意涵,兩岸之間缺乏政治基礎,中共國台辦僅以「這是一份沒有完成的答卷」回應,並單方面關閉兩岸對口單位的聯繫管道,致使兩岸協商交流再度中斷。 蔡英文總統雖然主張「兩岸維持現狀」,也聲稱「新政府會依據中華民國憲法、兩岸人民關係條例及其他相關法律處理兩岸事務」,並宣示台灣會做「和平的堅定維護者」,但蔡英文總統認為「九二共識」是國共共識,不是兩岸共識,對兩岸問題試圖維持「和平不發展」的冷和平現象。 習近平於2013 年接任國家主席,集黨政軍之權力後,其對台政策仍是堅持「一個中國」、「和平統一、一國兩制」以及反對「台獨」的基本方針,也延續胡錦濤時期的「兩岸關係和平發展」模式,以「寄希望於台灣同胞」的政策,為兩岸同胞謀福祉。而習近平更以民族主義的思維出發,提出「兩岸一家親,共圓中國夢」理念,意涵著兩岸同胞有共同的血脈、歷史文化、同屬中華民族,是休戚與共的命運共同體,在中華文化的理念上共同實現中華民族偉大復興,堅持兩岸關係和平發展,推進祖國和平統一。當兩岸經貿、社會文化交流繁榮密切後,即將涉入政治談判的敏感深水區挺進,2015 年的「馬習會」開啟兩岸領導人直接溝通對話,樹立起政治協商與政治互信的新台階;兩岸關係和平發展端視著兩岸領導人的智慧,如何找尋合適的平台,恰當的時機,用什麼方式化解歧見,在「一中框架」上尋求出兩岸和平的公約數,共謀兩岸同胞的福祉。


In 2016, the president of Democratic Progressive Party(DPP), Tsai Ing-Wen was in power. In her inauguration speech, President Tsai only respected the historical facts of the 1992 cross-strait talks and did not recognize the "1992 consensus." Without the political foundation between the two sides of the strait, the CPC’s Taiwan Affairs Office only responded with "this is an unfinished answer sheet" and unilaterally closed the communication channels between the cross-strait counterparts, causing cross-strait negotiations and exchanges to be interrupted again. Cross-strait relations have once again reached a deadlock. Although President Tsai advocated "maintaining the status quo ", she also claimed that "the new government will handle cross-strait affairs in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of China, Regulations on the Relation of People Between Taiwan and Mainland China and other relevant laws," and declared that Taiwan will be "a firm defender of peace", but Tsai believes that the "1992 Consensus" was the consensus between the KMT and the CPC instead of a cross-strait consensus. Tsai led the cross-strait relation to a cold peace situation, with promoting "De-sinicization" and “cultural Taiwan independence” and “legalization of Taiwan independence” gradually. After the 19th National Congress of the CPC, the Taiwan policy that Xi Jinping declared was promoting reunification. He emphasized that the "1992 Consensus", which reflects the one-China principle, clearly defining the key to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. As long as recognizing the "1992 Consensus" and agreeing that the two sides of the strait belong to the one-China, the two sides can conduct dialogue and resolve the issues of concern to the compatriots on both sides of the strait. With regard to the Taiwan issue, adhering to the principle of "peaceful reunification, one country, two systems" and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland was the common aspiration of all Chinese people and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. According to Xi, adhering to the "cross-strait family" concept, respecting Taiwan's existing social system and lifestyle, PRC is willing to share the development opportunities with Taiwanese, and expand cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation. Also, PRC can provide the “equal treatment”to Taiwanese in working, living and studying area. And Xi will promote compatriots on both sides of the strait to jointly promote Chinese culture for promoting spiritual harmony. Xi also adheres to "anti-independence" and propose "six of any" to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and defeat any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist scheme. Xi Jinping believed that the long-standing "political differences" between cross-strait is the key to affect the stability of cross-strait, but the cross-strait issue cannot be passed down from generation to generation. In commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of “Message to Compatriots in Taiwan”, Xi raised up the “Five Points”and explored the “one country, two system”at the very first time. The goal of reunification is to strive for the peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity.


壹、 中文專書
1. 吳玉山,<重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論>,收錄於吳玉山、包宗和主編,《重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論》,(五南圖書出版股份有限公司,2017年3 月二版二刷)
2. 吳建忠,<習李新政下的對台政策走勢>,收錄於張五岳主編,《兩岸關係研究第三版》,(新文京開發出版股份有限公司2014 年9 月1 日)
3. 李亞明,<中共對我之政策分析>,收錄於李亞明主編,《共黨理論與中國大陸研究》,(黎明文化事業股份有限公司,2016 年12 月增訂1 版1 刷)。
4. 李亞明,<習近平的主政路線與變革>,收錄於李亞明主編《共黨理論與中國大陸研究》,(黎明文化事業股份有限公司,2016 年12 月增訂1 版1 刷)。
