  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Fear of Failure, Metacognitive Strategies, and Academic Procrastination in College Students

指導教授 : 李麗君


本研究主要探討臺灣大學生失敗恐懼、後設認知策略與學業拖延現況與三者之間的關係。係以新北市大專校院共582位為取樣對象,採用部份修訂的「大學生學業狀況調查問卷」為研究工具進行研究資料的蒐集。重要研究結果歸納如下: 一、大學生整體而言具有中等程度的失敗恐懼與學業拖延傾向;其中,逾半數以上的大學生具有普通程度以上的失敗恐懼負面情緒與學業拖延傾向。 二、大學生在準備考試與撰寫報告的過程中,整體使用後設認知策略的程度中等偏高。 三、失敗恐懼與學業拖延在不同性別、學校和年級皆無顯著差異。  四、後設認知策略在不同性別和學校上有著明顯差異,女大學生和一般大學的學生比起男大學生與科技大學學生更常使用後設認知策略。 五、學業拖延與失敗恐懼呈現顯著正相關;學業拖延與後設認知策略呈現顯著負相關, 六、失敗恐懼中的「害怕經驗羞愧與困窘」組成構念為影響學業拖延的主要因素,可以解釋14%的學業拖延情形,正向預測大學生的學業拖延傾向。 七、後設認知策略中的「調節」策略可負向預測大學生的學業拖延傾向,唯解釋力偏低,證明後設認知策略不是學業拖延拖延的關鍵成因。 八、失敗恐懼與學業拖延存在直接關係,並不會因為後設認知策略的使用而間接影響對學業拖延的解釋情形。


The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of and relationship between fear of failure, metacognitive strategies and academic procrastination using 582 college students in New Taipei City as the sample. The data were collected via self-report questionnaire partially revised from the existing measures. The significant results were shown as below: 1.The college students overall have a moderate degree of fear of failure and academic procrastination tendency. Over half of the college students have more than the average level of fear of failure and tendencies to procrastinate academic tasks. 2.The college students overall moderate highly used the metacognitive strategies to study for an exam and to write a term paper. 3.There are no gender, college and grade significant differences in fear of failure and academic procrastination. 4.There are gender and college differences in metacognitive strategies using among Taiwanese college students; the female college students and the undergraduates in general college use more metacognitive strategies than the male college students and the undergraduates in technological university. 5.Academic procrastination has significantly positive correlation with fear of failure, whereas it has significantly negative correlation with metacognitive strategies. 6.The fear experiencing shame and embarrassment, which is one of the constructs of fear of failure accounting for 14% of the variance in academic procrastination is the major predictor of academic procrastination, and positively predicts the academic procrastination tendencies of college students. 7.The regulation in metacognitive strategies can negatively predict the academic procrastination tendency of college students, but the coefficient of determination is low. This result indicates that metacognitive strategies are not the crucial antecedents of the academic procrastination. 8.The fear of failure is directly related to the academic procrastination and there is no effects on the explanation of the academic procrastination because of using the metacognitive strategies.


Pintrich, P. R. (2004). A conceptual framework for assessing motivation and self-regulated learning in college students. Educational Psychology Review, 16(4), 385-407. doi:10.1007/s10648-004-0006-x
