  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Intention to Purchase Insurance Online in Taiwan Market- Trust as a Mediat Variable

指導教授 : 張俊惠


網路投保是近年來保險業提供給消費大眾的一種購買保險創新的通路服務模式。根據財團法人保險事業發展中心2019年的統計資料顯示台灣的投保率來到了249.45%,表示平均每一個台灣人購買了近2.5張保單。台灣的保費滲透度也來到了19.28元,位居全世界之冠。另外,由於智慧型手機的普及,加上互聯網的蓬勃發展,2019年財團法人台灣網路資訊中心的統計資料顯示,台灣上網人口普及率高達89.1%(約1,898萬人)進而帶動金融相關產業對於網路平台的重視。 由於網路投保乃是一種新技術概念的應用,本研究想要提討在台灣的網路投保市場中,相關構面是否會影響消費者對於網路投保的信任,進一步影響消費者對於網路投保的使用意圖。因此本研究將採用Dimitriadis & Kyrezis (2010)的信任建構模型加以修正後進行探討。經由研究模型驗証研究假說結果的得知以下結論: 1.在台灣網路投保市場中,熟悉度、知覺易用性以及知覺風險對於消費者使用網路投保系統的使用意圖有顯著的影響;而知覺有用性並沒有顯著的影響。 2.在台灣的網路投保市場中,熟悉度、知覺有用性、知覺易用性和知覺風險在影響使用意圖的形成過程中,信任確實扮演著重要的中介角色。


According to Taiwan insurance institute , the rate of getting insurance in Taiwan is 249.45% in 2019 , it means every Taiwaness insured 2.5 insurance policy. Insurance Penetration in Taiwan reached 19.28 dollars , it’s the top of the world. Due to internet and smart phone are continues to flourish , the statistics of Taiwan Network Information Center in 2019 pointed that penetration rate of internet in Taiwan is about 89.1% , and it make financial industry focus on the value of internet. Getting insurance online is kind of new concept. We want to research about while people want to get insurance online , familiarity ,perceived usefulness , perceived ease-of-use , perceived risk , would these factor affect the trust of consumers , and also affect consumers’ intention of getting insurance online . This research will use fixed research model of Dimitriadis & dyrezis(2010) to be basic rule. The result of use below model , we can know : 1. In getting insurance online of Taiwan , familiarity ,perceived usefulness , perceived risk are insignificant , perceived ease-of-use is nonsignificant. 2. While consumers’ intention form from familiarity ,perceived usefulness , perceived risk , perceived ease-of-use , trust is an very important role in getting insurance online in Taiwan.


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