  • 學位論文


The study on the purchase intention and its related factors of traditional immediate annuity

指導教授 : 繆震宇


隨著高齡化及少子化的雙重衝擊下,光靠政府及企業所提供之退休金恐怕不足以支應未來退休後的基本生活所需,民眾需找尋自身適合的退休理財工具,而從過去的文獻中得知年金商品正是規避長壽風險的最佳工具。但現實社會中,年金商品的銷售狀況不如預期,導致年金商品在我國銷售及發展上都受到限制。根據歐美國家所販售的年金商品皆以純粹年金商品為主,保費便宜,且民眾較容易納為退休規劃的基本配置中,但在台灣市場上沒有保證給付之年金商品較不被大眾所接受。 本研究將透過問卷的方式,探討民眾對於傳統型即期年金商品的認知以及購買意願,分別以沒有保證給付之純粹即期年金及附有保證期間的即期年金兩種年金商品,分析民眾偏好購買的年齡以及願意付出多少代價來換取每年固定領取的金額,再進一步釐清影響民眾不願意去購買年金商品之主要因素。 經實證結果顯示: 1. 受訪者人口基本資料變數對傳統型即期年金保險商品之購買意願有顯著影響 2. 受訪者年金之謎的認知對傳統型即期年金保險商品之購買意願有顯著影響 3. 受訪者人口基本資料變數對購買傳統型即期年金保險商品之偏好購買年齡有顯著影響 4. 受訪者年金之謎的認知對購買傳統型即期年金保險商品之偏好購買年齡有顯著影響


With the dual impact of aging and low-rate birth, it would not be enough for retirees to only rely on the pension provided by the government and enterprises. Therefore, people needs to find their own suitable financial instruments for retirement. Theoretically, the annuity insurance commodity is highly recognized as the leading choice to avoid the longevity risk. However , in realistic, the sales of the annuity insurance are not reflecting the expected result. According to the annuity insurance sold in European and American countries, all of them are pure annuity insurance. The premiums are cheap, thus people are more likely to be included in the basic configuration of retirement plans. Nevertheless, annuity without guaranteed payment in Taiwan market are less acceptable by the public. in the mythology of this study is done by questionnaires, to investigate the public's cognition and purchase intention of “traditional immediate annuity”. There are two types of annuity insurance: 1)pure immediate annuity without refund and 2) immediate annuity with guarantee period. This study is aim to analyze the age range at which people prefer to buy and how much they are willing to pay in exchange for the fixed amount received each year . Furthermore, it will later clarify the main factors that affecting people's reluctance to buy annuity insurance. By empirical results show: 1. The basic demographic variables of respondents have a significant influence on the purchase intention of traditional immediate annuity. 2. The respondents’ perception of the annuity puzzle has a significant impact on the purchase intention of traditional immediate annuity. 3. The basic demographic variables of the respondents have a significant impact on the purchase age of traditional immediate annuity. 4. The respondents’ perception of the annuity puzzle has a significant impact on the purchase age of traditional immediate annuity.


Frederick Vettese,2019,首席精算師給你的退休建議:一定要買年金險,商業周刊
