  • 學位論文


The Effect of Differentiation of Self on Undergraduate Students’ Social Anxiety–Self-Esteem as a Mediator

指導教授 : 李麗君


本研究目的在探討自尊在自我分化與社交焦慮之間的中介效果,採用問卷調查法進行研究,以大學生自我分化、自尊、社交焦慮調查問卷作為研究工具。以淡江大學大學部的學生為研究對象,調查樣本共436份。使用統計軟體SAS 9.4進行問卷信度分析、描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、階層迴歸,並以Sobel test對間接效果進行考驗。研究結果如下: 一、目前大學生擁有良好的自我分化;良好的自尊;較低的社交焦慮。 二、不同性別的大學生自我分化有顯著差異,在分量表中的情緒化反應、與他人融合、我位置有顯著差異;不同學院的大學生在自我分化分量表中的我位置有顯著差異,不同學院的大學生的自尊有顯著差異,不同學院的大學生在社交焦慮分量表中的怕受人矚目有顯著差異;不同出生序在自我分化分量表中的情緒化反應有顯著差異。 三、自我分化對自尊具正向預測效果;自我分化及自尊對社交焦慮具負向預測效果。 四、自尊在自我分化總量表及社交焦慮總量表之間具有部分中介效果;自尊在自我分化各分量表及社交焦慮各分量表之間皆具有中介效果,而各分量表之間中介效果的具體狀況為:自尊在情緒化反應、情緒截斷及社交焦慮總量表之間具有完全中介效果;自尊在自我分化總量表及怕受人矚目之間具有完全中介效果;自尊在與他人融合、我位置及社交焦慮總量表之間具部分中介效果;自尊在自我分化總量表及害怕批評之間具部分中介效果;自尊在自我分化總量表及生理不適之間具部分中介效果。


The purpose of this study aims to investigate the relationship among differentiation of self, self-esteem ,and social anxiety. With the use of questionnaire survey, the questionnaire is named ”differentiation of self, self-esteem, social anxiety inventory. “The final sample size was 436 after surveying. The statistical analyses included reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, hierarchical regression and using Sobel test to check the indirect effect. The results are summarized as follow: 1. The undergraduate students have a medium-to-high level of differentiation of self;The undergraduate students have a medium-to-high level of self-esteem;The undergraduate students have medium-to-low level of social anxiety. 2. There are significant differences in differentiation of self for different gender. There are significant differences in three subscales of four differentiation dimensions for different gender—emotional reactivity, fuse with others and I position. There are significant differences in one subscale of four differentiation dimensions for different colleges—I position. There are significant differences in self-esteem for different colleges. There are significant differences in one subscale of three anxiety dimensions for different colleges—afraid of being attentive. There are significant differences in one subscale of four differentiation dimensions for different birth order—emotional reactivity. 3. The differentiation of self can positively predict self-esteem;The differentiation of self and self-esteem can negatively predict social anxiety. 4. The self-esteem has the partial mediating effect between differentiation of self and social anxiety;The self-esteem has the mediating effect between different dimensions of differentiation of self and the different dimensions of social anxiety;Further explains:The self-esteem has the full mediating effect between emotional reactivity or emotional cutoff and social anxiety;The self-esteem has the full mediating effect between differentiation of self and afraid of being attentive;The self-esteem has the partial mediating effect between fusion with others or I position and social anxiety;The self-esteem has the partial mediating effect between differentiation of self and being criticism of others;The self-esteem has the partial mediating effect between differentiation of self and physiological discomfort.


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