  • 學位論文


Exploring the Differences in Categories of Vehicle Products and Competitive Strategies in the Traditional and Electronic Word of Mouth

指導教授 : 王居卿


本研究結合兩個構面(第一個構面為依消費者的需求動機區分為功利性或歡愉性產品及第二個構面為依消費者的主要資訊蒐集方式區分為搜尋性或經驗性產品)將汽車產品分為四大類,再針對2017~2021年的三菱汽車品牌網路口碑內容去加以歸類,接著再從消費者觀點去探討三菱汽車品牌之產品類別定位。除此之外,本研究針對2017~2021年的三菱汽車品牌廣告文案去進行內容分析,以探討各類別產品的競爭策略。經問卷調查後之資料分析與內容分析後,本研究有下列重要發現: 1. 整合歸納出新的四種產品類別分類供未來研究使用:「歡愉性及搜尋性產品」、「歡愉性及經驗性產品」、「功利性及搜尋性產品」、「功利性及經驗性產品」。 2. 在傳統媒體及網路口碑下,當產品類別為「歡愉性及搜尋性產品」、「功利性及搜尋性產品」時,消費者較重視傳統媒體訊息。 3. 在傳統媒體及網路口碑下,當產品類別為「歡愉性及經驗性產品」、「功利性及經驗性產品」時,消費者較重視網路口碑訊息。 4. 本研究共調查七種三菱汽車品牌車輛,僅有Mitsubishi Grand Lancer會因消費者購買經驗而影響其需求動機,無購買經驗及有兩次購買經驗的消費者認為購買該車是為了追求務實上滿足,有一次購買經驗的消費者認為購買該車是為了追求心理上滿足。 5. 在傳統媒體下,三菱汽車品牌廠商最常執行的是差異化策略。


This study combines two dimensions to divide vehicle products into four categories ( The first dimension is based on consumer motivation, which is divided into Utilitarian or Hedomic product. The second dimension is based on the consumer’s main information search method, which is divided into Search or Experience product. ) Then, we classifies the electronic word of mouth of Mitsubishi motors brand from 2017 to 2021, and then explores product categories position of Mitsubishi motors from consumer point of view. In addition, this study analyzes the contents on the advertising copy of Mitsubishi motors from 2017 to 2021, in order to explore the competitive strategy of each category of products. After data analysis on questionnaire survey and content analysis, this study has the following important findings: 1. Integrate and summarize four new product categories for future research: “Hedomic and Search product”, “Hedomic and Experience product”, “Utilitarian and Search product”, “Utilitarian and Experience product”. 2. In the traditional media and electronic word of mouth, consumers pay more atten-tion to traditional media, when the product categories are “Hedomic and Search product”, “Utilitarian and Search product”. 3. In the traditional media and electronic word of mouth, consumers pay more atten-tion to electronic word of mouth, when the product categories are “Hedomic and Experience product”, “Utilitarian and Experience product”. 4. This study surveys seven Mitsubishi brand vehicles. Only the Mitsubishi Grand Lancer will affect consumers motivation due to their purchase experience. Consum-ers who have no purchase experience and who have two purchase experiences thinks that the purchase of this car is for the pursuit of pragmatic satisfaction. Consumers who have one purchase experience thinks that the purchase of the car is for the pur-suit of psychological satisfaction 5. Mitsubishi motors is the most commonly performed differentiation strategy in the traditional media.


