  • 學位論文


The Study of Applying Mobile 3D Lidar and Augmented Reality for Construction Quality Management System

指導教授 : 蔡明修


工程施工品質查核作業是國內三級品管制度的基礎,工程團隊若能在工程進行中如實並有效率地完成查核,不僅能成功落實工程品質管理的精神,更能詳實紀錄工程各階段的施工細節及成果,為後續的履約管理或發生爭議處理時提供重要的紀錄資訊。然實務上,卻常因查驗項目繁瑣且多樣,查核人員從準備作業、檢驗查核、拍照記錄到報告撰寫皆需要花費大量時間。尤其檢驗查核時,受紙本二維圖說及量測技術的限制,工程師如何快速根據圖說及設計規範進行查驗,並詳實比對成果確保品質卻是一大挑戰;而對業主而言,查核作業所記錄之照片能否真實反應實際成果,更是查核作業面對的挑戰。 為了解決上述的問題,本研究嘗試結合光學雷達(Light Detection and Ranging, LiDAR)與擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)技術來輔助施工品質查驗,設計一「行動化3D 施工品質查驗系統」,以行動裝置進行數位化查驗,將現場的施工成果以行動光學雷達(Light Detection and Ranging, LiDAR)進行掃描,建立施工成果之3D 模型,再將BIM 設計模型以AR 技術呈現給工程師,並對光學雷達技術和擴增實境技術於行動裝置端於品質查驗之適用性進行評估。而最後本研究之實測結果發現,以行動裝置進行查驗,並透果AR 與Lidar 技術,確實能使查驗人員更方便的進行查驗,也實現查驗流程數位化,有利於現場施工品質查堰管理。


Engineering construction quality inspection is the foundation of the domestic three-level quality control system. If the engineering team can faithfully and efficiently complete the inspection during the project, it will not only successfully implement the spirit of project quality management, but also record the construction of each stage of the project in detail. Details and results provide important record information for subsequent performance management or dispute resolution. However, in practice, due to the cumbersome and diverse inspection items, the inspectors need to spend a lot of time from preparing work, inspecting and checking, taking photos and recording to writing reports. Especially during inspection and verification, limited by two-dimensional drawings and measurement technology on paper, it is a big challenge for engineers to quickly perform inspections based on the drawings and design specifications, and compare the results in detail to ensure quality. For owners, the inspection work Whether the recorded photos truly reflect the actual results is the challenge faced by the verification operation. In order to solve the above problems, this research tries to combine Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology to assist construction quality inspection, and design a "mobile 3D construction quality inspection system." Digital inspection is carried out with mobile devices, the construction results on site are scanned with mobile optical radar (Light Detection and Ranging, LiDAR) to establish a 3D model of the construction results, and then the BIM design model is presented to the engineer with AR technology, and the optical The applicability of radar technology and augmented reality technology for quality inspection on mobile devices is evaluated. In the end, the actual test results of this study found that the use of mobile devices for inspection and the penetration of AR and Lidar technologies can indeed make inspections more convenient for inspectors, and also realize the digitization of the inspection process, which is conducive to the management of on-site construction quality inspection.


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