  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 王藹玲


這項研究的主要目的是根據學生的需求分析,為台灣幼保系的學生量身定制英語教科書。目的是為想在海外求職的幼兒園教師做職前準備。此外,教科書學習的課程成效亦會納入討論與分析,以作為日後改善幼保英文教科書的參考做依據。 該研究是在台灣桃園一所科技大學進行的,研究從幼保系學生中選擇兩個班級參與。一班48名學生被分為實驗組,另一班47名學生為控制組,實驗組、控制組都接受了ESP幼保專業英文考試的前測,以了解他們目前的英語程度的落點。實驗組學生將提供ESP專業幼保英文教材,控制組則將提供EGP一般英文教材。一個學期後,他們將進行後測,以了解他們在參加ESP幼保英語課程後是否學習成效有進步。前後測的考題主要是來自於量身定制的教科書的內容,而ESP幼保英語教材的編輯是根據幼保系204名學生的需求分析所編撰的內容。除量性評量之外,此研究還進行7個質性的開放性問題(附錄IX),以了解學生對ESP幼保英文課程設計的看法和見解。學習者的觀點將被採用,以作為進一步改進ESP幼保英文教材的依據。 在聽力,口語,閱讀或寫作部分,研究結果顯示:實驗組和控制組的後測成績之間存在顯著差異。在聽力部分,獨立樣本的T檢定顯示,聽力部分的實驗組和控制組的後測評分存在顯著差異(t = 13.12,p <0.001)。實驗組(平均值= 69.19,SD = 11.53)比控制組(平均值= 38.21,SD = 11.47)得分更高。 在口說部分,獨立樣本的T檢定顯示,口語部分的實驗組和控制組的測試後評分之間存在顯著差異(t = 19.2,p <0.001)。實驗組(平均= 79.79,SD = 10.00)的得分高於控制組(平均= 39.57,SD = 10.42)。 在閱讀部分,獨立樣本T檢定顯示,閱讀部分的實驗組和控制組的測試後評分之間存在顯著差異(t = 7.75,p <0.001)。實驗組(平均= 52.54,SD = 13.13)的得分高於對照組(平均= 33.77,SD = 10.30)。 在寫作部分,獨立樣本T檢定顯示,寫作部分的實驗組和控制組的測試後評分之間存在顯著差異(t = 9.99,p <0.001)。實驗組(平均值= 55.10,SD = 13.97)比控制組(平均值= 27.66,SD = 12.76)得分更高。該研究還調查了聽力(平均值= 69.19,SD = 11.53)和口說(平均值= 79.79,SD = 10.00)之間的相關性。皮爾森(Pearson)的相關性分析表明,聽和說之間存在顯著的相關性(r = 0.76,p <0.01)。同樣地,該研究也調查了閱讀(平均值= 52.54,SD = 13.13)和寫作(平均值= 55.10,SD = 13.97)之間的相關性。皮爾森(Pearson)的相關性分析顯示,讀寫之間存在顯著的相關性(r =0 .73,p <0.01)。 除此之外,質性結果顯示出,ESP幼保英文課程對幼保系學生有一定程度的幫助。幼保系學生認為ESP幼保英文課程同時提供他們專業知識和一般英語的課程。學習者偏愛ESP幼保英文課程的原因如下:(1他們有機會學習到與其幼保系專業相關的專業術語和知識;(2)因為教科書的知識與幼保領域有關,因此學習對他們而言有意義,所以他們感到在學習過程中自己的動機和興趣被提升;(3)學習者覺得課程內容有趣,豐富且多樣性;(4)ESP幼保英文內容既活潑又實用,可以應用到將來的職業;(5)ESP幼保英文課程是量身訂做,所以教科書的內容非常簡單,易於了解。


The purpose of this study was primarily aimed at developing an English textbook customized for the students from the Department of Child Care and Education in Taiwan so as to prepare our students as the professional ESP kindergarten teachers if they expect to work overseas. Moreover, after taking ESP Childcare English, the effectiveness of the curriculum design will be discussed as well so as to make an improvement of the textbook that will be used in the future. This study was conducted at a vocational university in Taoyuan, Taiwan, and two classes from the Department of Child Care and Education were selected to participate in this study. One class with 48 students were chosen as experimental group and the other class with 47 students were chosen as control group. Both groups would take the pre-test to see their current level and after one semester, they would take the post-test to see whether they had made a progress after taking ESP childcare English course. The tests the students took was based on the content of the customized textbook. The experimental group would be provided with ESP teaching materials while the control group would be provided with EGP teaching materials. The teaching materials were edited on the basis of the needs analysis of 204 students from the Department of Child Care and Education. After one semester, the learning efficiency for the experimental group would be evaluated. Aside from the quantitative method, 7 written open questions (see Appendix IX) were conducted to perceive the perspectives of the students and their insights towards the ESP curriculum design. The learners’ viewpoints were taken as a basis for the future improvement of the textbook. With regard to the section of listening, speaking, reading, or writing, the results revealed that there was a significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental class and control class. An independent-samples t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental group and control group (t = 13.12, p < 0.001) for the listening section. The experimental group (Mean = 69.19, SD= 11.53) received higher scores than the control group (Mean = 38.21, SD = 11.47). An independent-samples t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental group and control group (t = 19.2, p < 0.001) for the speaking section. The experimental group (Mean = 79.79, SD = 10.00) received higher scores than the control group (Mean = 39.57, SD = 10.42). An independent-samples t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental group and control group (t = 7.75, p < 0.001) for the reading section. The experimental group (M= 52.54, SD = 13.13) received higher scores than the control group (Mean = 33.77, SD = 10.30). An independent-samples t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental group and control group (t= 9.99, p < 0.001) for the writing section. The experimental group (Mean = 55.10, SD = 13.97) received higher scores than that of the control group (Mean = 27.66, SD = 12.76). The study also investigated the relationship between listening (Mean= 69.19, SD = 11.53) and speaking (Mean = 79.79, SD = 10.00). Pearson’s correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between listening and speaking (r=0.76, p < 0.01). Likewise, the study investigated the relationship between reading (M= 52.54, SD = 13.13) and writing (M= 55.10, SD = 13.97). Pearson’s correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between reading and writing (r=0.73, p < 0.01). Apart from that, the qualitative results revealed that ESP childcare curriculum was beneficial to the childcare learners to a certain extent. childcare learners felt that ESP Childcare English provided both professional knowledge and general English at the same time. The reasons that learners favored ESP childcare courses were as follows: (1) They had an opportunity to study professional terminology and knowledge relevant to their childcare major; (2) They felt their motivation and interesting upgraded for the reasons that the textbook was associated with the field of childcare and the learning was meaningful for them; (3) They felt the content of the course was interesting, plentiful and diverse; (4) The ESP content was both lively and practical for future career; (5) The content of the textbook was extremely uncomplicated and easy to understand as the textbook was customized for them.


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