  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Integrating Information Technology into Remedial Instruction of Phonological Awareness and Phonics for EFL Elementary School 4th Grade Underachievers

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


音韻覺識為聽辨語音的能力,同時對發展英語閱讀及拼字能力發展有預測力,因此教學者若能在英語的啟蒙階段打好基礎,對日後學習英語大有助益。本研究旨在探究使用自編資訊科技App融入英語音韻覺識及字母拼讀教學之成效。 本研究採用行動研究法,以新北市月亮國小4名四年級參與英語補教教學課程的英語低成就生為研究對象.設計適當的補救教學課程,第一循環為音韻覺識教學、第二階段為字母拼讀教學,皆在讓學生在接受音韻覺識與字母拼讀知識學習後,使用App練習組合頭音尾韻,並進行教學與觀察。研究過程蒐集質性與量化資料,質性方面如教師省思手札、同儕教師觀察記錄為研究工具;量化資料則包含音韻覺識測驗及字母拼讀CVC單音節讀字測驗。經過8周16堂資訊科技融入國小四年級音韻覺識與字母拼讀法補教教學課程後,研究分析後之結論為: 一、資訊科技融入音韻覺識與字母拼讀教學對補救教學英語能力有正向影響。 二、資訊科技融入音韻覺識教學宜搭配形成性評量。 三、字母拼讀成果展現需要足夠時間。 研究者根據研究結果,提出教學建議以利日後研究App融入音韻覺識與字母拼讀研究之參考:一、應融入音韻覺識與字母拼讀於適當的主題並進行引導,如韻文、歌曲等;二、結合資訊科技提升教學與學習成效。


Phonological Awareness is the ability to distinguish and manipulate sound units, which is also the basis of reading and spelling. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of intergrating information technology into remedial instruction of phonological awareness and phonics. The study is an action research that intergrates information technology into remedial instruction of phonological awareness and phonics for EFL elementary school 4th grade underachievers. Participants of the action research included 4 fourth graders in New Taipei City. Researcher provides a series of teaching activity to match students’ needs. It is anticipateds that the design of the class and the usage of app can help student develop phonological awareness and phonics. The data of students’ worksheet, and the teacher’s reflective journals were qualitivative. Some measurements including counting the number of syllables in a word, counting the number of phonemes in a syllable, pointing out alliteration and rime words, recognizing the spelling of words ,and reading words out., were discusses and analysed with discriptive statistics.  After 16 periods of the curriculum, the main results of this study can now be summarized as following: 1. Information technology intergrated into instruction can improve the participants’ phonological awareness and phonics. 2. Information technology intergrated into phonological awareness instruction can be evaluated by formative assessment conducted during class. 3. Sufficient practice and time are essential to phonics. According to the results mentioned above, some suggestions for future studies, and phonological awareness and phonics instructions were provided.


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