  • 學位論文


Influences of NAFTA and USMCA on the Development of Automobile Industry in Mexico

指導教授 : 宮國威


墨西哥在汽車產業上一直為拉丁美洲中少數發展良好的國家。以產業發展歷史軌跡來看,從初期的進口替代時期到出口擴張時期,種種國家法令也的確扶持了汽車產業的茁壯。1994年,北美自由貿易協定(North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA)正式生效,不僅使得墨西哥經濟朝向正向發展,也連帶促進了汽車產業的成長。   然而,2016年美國總統候選人川普不只一次抨擊此項區域協定,企圖在上任後改變協定中對美國造成不利的條款。2017年川普上任後,便即刻展開與墨西哥、加拿大之間的談判,並於一年後的2018年11月,正式簽署美墨加協定(United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement, USMCA)用以取代NAFTA。USMCA對於多項議題皆有重大變革,其中之一即為與汽車產業最相關的原產地規則。在新規中,對於汽車原產地含量的規定除原本整車含量要求外,汽車零件、勞動價值含量以及鋼、鋁含量也有所規定,汽車產業也因此面臨種種考驗。   本論文將從NAFTA簽署前的墨西哥汽車產業開始闡述,介紹簽署前與簽署後的產業變化,並接續到2018年的新協定USMCA,以及針對墨西哥汽車產業在新規定中受到的影響和未來產業發展進行分析。


Abstract: Mexico has always been one of the few well-developed countries in Latin America in the automotive industry. Judging from the historical trajectory of industrial development, from the initial import substitution period to the export expansion period, various national laws have indeed supported the growth of the auto industry. In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) formally came into effect, which not only made Mexico's economy move in a positive direction, but also promoted the growth of the auto industry. However, in 2016, the US presidential candidate Trump, criticized about NAFTA more than once, attempting to change the terms of the agreement which are disadvantageous to the United States. In 2017, after Trump took office, he immediately started negotiations with Mexico and Canada. One year later, three countries officially signed the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) which will replace NAFTA. Many topics and issues have been discussed and modified significantly in USMCA, one of which is the most relevant to the automotive industry- Rule of Origin. In the new provision, in addition to the original vehicle content requirements in NAFTA, the auto parts, labor value content, and steel and aluminum content are also specified for Rule of Origin. This thesis will start from the introduction of Mexican auto industry before NAFTA, introduce the changes in the industry after the signing, and describing the following agreement USMCA in 2018. Analyze the impact of the Mexican auto industry and potential industrial development brought since USMCA.


Mexico Automobile industry NAFTA USMCA Rules of origin


Thomas A. Pugel著, 洪進朝、張家華翻譯,《國際貿易理論與政策》,(台北市:麥格羅希爾,2005年)。
