  • 學位論文


The well-being of culinary.

指導教授 : 宋鴻燕




This study was intended to explore the psychological feelings of male culinary hobbyist engaged in culinary (including cooking and baking) activities. In order to understand what they have perceived well-being from culinary activities. The research method used a semi-structured interview for qualitative research. The research participants were 5 males aged from 32 to 39. The results of the study were as follows: culinary activities were regarded as hobbies and leisure activities by culinary hobbyists. They were able to get rest and to regulate their lives, relieve stress, and willing to continue to improve their culinary skills. They faced failure with optimistic attitudes. Also, they are willing to be creative and have the courage to face challenge and change. Culinary activities involve good interpersonal interaction. Respondents believed that while cooking with their partners can increase intimacy and with children can make children feel involved. The timing of interaction includes discussions and purchases before culinary activities, cooperation and participation in doing something together during culinary activities, sharing the finished product with relatives and friends after culinary activities, enjoying the happy atmosphere of gathering together, accepting compliments and becoming the topic of interpersonal communication. Social support brings them positive emotions and sense of accomplishment. Furthermore, it improves life satisfactions and enhances happiness. Engaging in culinary activities has lifted up the positive emotions of culinary hobbyists. They feel happy, joyful, curious, satisfied and enjoyable when doing culinary activities. They also have a great sense of accomplishment. They also gain a sense of anticipation. They are fully absorbed and focused. Enjoying culinary activities and experiencing the fun of hands-on culinary naturally trigger flow experience, obtain inner satisfaction and bring great joy. More-over, the participants were able to release negative emotions and increases positive emotions during culinary activities. Besides, some people have sense of fulfillment because of learning a new skill and then reduce their anxiety. Culinary activities improved the living standards of the participants and make their personal emotion stable. Culinary hobbyists feel that they are making progress, continuous improvement and self-growth during culinary activities. When they do culinary, they can gain a sense of control in the production, increase the self-efficacy and self-affirmation and then get the compliments of life when sharing food, so they can truly have their own abilities, thereby enhancing their confidence, sense of accomplishment and happiness. The culinary motivation of those who are interested in culinary is not only from inner curiosity and experimentation, family members asking for culinary by themselves, and healthier by cooking themselves, but also related to interpersonal relationships. The culinary purpose of single male culinary hobbyists is to "make dishes which make others happy." They like to invite others to taste their dishes and then give feedback. The culinary motivations of married male culinary hobbyists have the meaning of enhancing family interaction or giving to the cherished ones. The participants agreed that there was a positive impact on the relationship between partners. There are also differences in culinary motivation before and after stepping in adulthood. Before adulthood, culinary is due to hungry or being asked by family members. On the other hand, the motivation is more diverse while after adulthood. Overall, male culinary hobbyists perceived happiness, physical health, relationship improvement, and life satisfaction from culinary activities that had improved their happiness as the benefits for the physical and mental health of culinary hobbyists.


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巫雅菁(2001)。大學生幸福感之研究 (未出版碩士論文)。國立高雄師範大學:高雄市。

