  • 學位論文


The Death of the Girl in Nobuko Yoshiya's Hanamonogatari

指導教授 : 王憶雲


本論文著眼於探究『花物語』中少女之死所隱含的意義,分成四章進行研究。 第一章,透過先行研究,論者爬梳當代的「少女」是如何誕生,以及少女雜誌是如何從少年雜誌中分離出來,並且形成少女之間「想像的共同體」等問題。 第二章,講述少女雜誌投稿欄中的特色(如:美文、瑰麗的筆名等),讀者們透過投稿欄形成共同體。並提及少女雜誌中的少女小說有一大特色要素——「S」,通常內容為女學校中的「姐妹情」,在『花物語』中有不少以此為主軸的故事。在此章,筆者將『花物語』中52篇故事做了簡單的整理,為的是能聚焦於以「少女之死」作結的部分。 第三章,將52篇整理後,以「少女之死」作結的共有12篇,此章主要為分析個篇中「死」所隱含的意義。 第四章,此章為總結,道出少女正因為是少女,所以有諸多無能為力亦無可奈何之事,她們也因此而痛苦著。吉屋信子的『花物語』反映了時代,也反映了時代下少女們的處境。


This study, consisting of four chapters, focuses on the meaning behind the death of adolescent girls in Nobuko Yoshiya's work Hana monogatari. Chapter 1 contextualizes the advent of the contemporary notion of shojo. This chapter explores how shojo magazines separated from shonen magazines and how they formed an imaginary community among girls. Chapter 2 discusses the characteristics of the contributor’s column in shojo magazines, such as beautifully written articles and magnificent pen names. Through this column, its readers formed a community. The chapter also discusses Class S, one of the distinctive elements of girls’ fiction in shojo magazines. Class S is a term used to describe the romance between girls in all-girls schools, and is central to the narrative of several stories in Hana monogatari. In this chapter, I summarize the 52 stories in Hana monogatari to focus on the endings that show the death of adolescent girls. Out of the 52 stories, 12 stories ended with the death of adolescent girls. Chapter 3 analyzes the meaning behind death in these stories. Chapter 4 summarizes that because adolescent girls are just adolescent girls, many things make them feel powerless and helpless, thereby making them suffer. Nobuko Yoshiya’s Hana monogatari not only reflects on her time but also on the situation of adolescent girls in that era.


吉屋信子(2009)『花物語 上』河出書房新社
吉屋信子(2009)『花物語 下』河出書房新社
