  • 學位論文


The Impact of High-Performance Work System and Organizational Culture on Organizational Performance-Using Corporate Image as the Moderator

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 蔡宗穎(Tsung-Ying Tsai)


高績效工作系統已逐漸受到企業所重視,可藉由協助組織成員進而提升組織的績效,是高績效工作系統的實務意義(Armstrong, 2001)。Jogaratnam(2017)研究發現創造良好的企業組織文化,可以影響組織成員對工作之滿足感,可為組織帶來更佳的利益。 對企業而言,如何提升組織績效是企業十分感興趣的議題。Ambler and Barrow(1996)經由研究實證分析結果,良好的企業形象可以提升員工對組織與文化的認同,有助於留任意願,進而提升組織績效。 本研究探討高績效工作系統與組織文化對組織績效的影響,並探討企業形象在其中對組織績效的影響上是否具有調節效果。 本研究以台灣在職工作者為調查對象,並根據文獻建立研究架構及假設,採便利抽樣與滾雪球方式,共回收272份有效樣本。經由敘述性統計分析、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、驗證性因素分析、相關分析、迴歸分析、T檢定、階層迴歸分析和變異數分析等統計方法以SPSSX-26與AMOS等套裝軟體來驗證各研究假說,研究結果顯示各假設成立或部分成立,重要結論如下: 1.高績效工作系統對組織績效有顯著正向影響。 2.組織文化對組織績效有顯著正向影響。 3.企業形象在高績效工作系統對組織績效影響上有顯著正向的調節效果。 4.企業形象在組織文化對組織績效之影響上有顯著正向的調節效果。 5.工作者之部分人口統計變項在高績效工作系統、組織文化、組織績效以及企業形象上有顯著差異。 本研究結果發現,在研究過程中的限制:在人力、資源及時間有限的情況與條件下,僅回收有效樣本272份,部分填答者對於問卷題目的認知差異或個人對自我評估測試產生偏頗等問題,皆會使問卷結果有驗證的偏差,建議後續參考本研究之研究者可提高問卷份數,使抽様様本更具有代表性與顯著性的成果。未來研究建議:1.增加問卷回收的樣本以更真實反映母體真實狀況;2.增加質化的研究取向;3.人口統計增加地區別的變項;4.增加探討外商企業與本土企業的比較分析。 最後,綜合本研究結果提出討論與結論,並對學術及企業未來發展與實務提供參考建議,例如企業可以藉由制訂各相互連結的高績效工作系統,包含「選、用、育、留」 等相關的措施並確實執行與定期檢核;此外更重視組織文化及企業形象的塑造,以提升員工對組織的認同感,更進一步能提升組織績效及創造企業的差異化競爭優勢,以達勞資方雙贏的結果。


A high-performance work system has been gradually valued by enterprises, which can improve the organization's performance by assisting members. It is the practice of a high-performance work system (Armstrong, 2001). Jogaratnam (2017) pointed out that created an excellent corporate organizational culture, which can affect the satisfaction of members of the organization's work and bring better benefits to the organization. How to improve organizational performance is a topic of great interest to enterprises. Ambler and Barrow (1996) found that a good corporate image can enhance employees' identification with the organization and culture, help retain their will, and improve organizational performance. This study explores the impact of high-performance work system organizational culture on organizational performance. It explores whether the corporate image has a moderating effect on the impact of high-performance work systems on organizational performance and whether the corporate image has a moderating effect on the impact of organizational culture on organizational performance. This study took Taiwanese working workers as the survey object, established a research framework and hypotheses based on the literature, adopted convenience sampling and snowballing methods, and recovered 272 valid samples. Through statistical methods, such as descriptive statistical analysis, item analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, T-test, hierarchical regression analysis, and variance analysis, verify each research hypothesis by SPSSX-26 and AMOS package softwares. The results show that the assumptions are established or partially established, and the essential conclusions are as follows: High-performance work systems have a significant positive impact on organizational performance. Organizational culture has a significant positive impact on an organizational performance. Corporate image has a significant positive moderating effect on the impact of high-performance work systems on organizational performance. Corporate image has a significant positive moderating effect on the influence of organizational culture on organizational performance. Some demographic variables of workers differ significantly in high-performance, work systems, organizational culture, organizational performance, and corporate image. This study found limitations in the research process. Under the circumstances and conditions of limited human resources, only 272 valid samples were recovered, and some respondents had cognitive differences in questionnaire questions or personal biases toward self-assessment tests. Questions such as these will cause the results of the questionnaire to have verification biases. It is recommended that researchers who refer to this study in the future can increase the number of questionnaires so that the sampled version has more representative and significant results. Suggestions for future research: 1. Increase the samples collected from the questionnaires to reflect the actual status of the mother more truly; 2. Increase the research orientation qualitative; 3. Increase the variables of population statistics; 4. Increase the discussion of the comparison between foreign companies and local companies. Finally, based on the results of this research, we propose discussions and conclusions and provide reference suggestions for the future development and practice of academia and enterprises. For example, enterprises can formulate interconnected high-performance work systems, including "selection, use, education, retention," etc. Relevant measures are actually implemented and regularly checked; in addition, more emphasis is placed on the shaping of organizational culture and corporate image to enhance employees' sense of identity with the organization, further enhance organizational performance and create differentiated competitive advantages for the enterprise, to reach the labor and management side—a win-win result.


