  • 學位論文


Discussion on the Key Factors for the success of accelerated reconstruction of dangerous and old buildings

指導教授 : 邱建良
共同指導教授 : 吳佩珊(Pei-Shan Wu)


臺灣因位處環太平洋地震頻繁地帶緣故,還有颱風侵襲、土壤液化等問題,加上台灣逾50%的建物屋齡在30年以上,尤其台灣已步入高齡社會,居住安全更顯重要,政府雖於1998年即已頒布都市更新計畫及相關法規,惟施行至今逾23年,受制於都市更新審議程序冗長、權力關係複雜、建商的不讓利,致推動整合不易、成效難以彰顯,遂於2017年訂定「危險老舊建築物重建加速條例」,即都市更新衍生的簡易版政策,因為取消了面積限制和不必要的都市更新審議委員會,並藉由專業團隊舉辦都市危險及老舊建築物重建說明會,使住戶獲取專業訊息,著實縮短了重建計畫的時程,危老幫都更開了另一扇窗。 因此本研究藉由不動產估價師、銀行專業融資團隊、建商與學者等專家為研究對象,運用深度訪談法來探討都市危險及老舊建築物重建計畫成功關鍵因素,期望藉由本次研究結果,希冀建立更多成功案例使都市危險及老舊建築物重建的觸角更快深入台灣這個大都市,讓民眾的生命安全與居住環境獲得最佳保障。


Because Taiwan is located in the area of frequent earthquakes around the Pacific Ocean, there are also problems such as typhoon attack and soil liquefaction, in addition, more than 50% of the buildings in Taiwan are more than 30 years old, especially Taiwan has entered an aging society, and living safety is even more important, although the government has promulgated the urban renewal plan and related regulations in 1987, it has been in force for more than 23 years. It is constrained by the lengthy urban renewal review process, complicated power relations, and non-benefit from the builders, which makes it difficult to promote integration and difficult to demonstrate results, therefore, in 2017, the "Acceleration Ordinance for the Reconstruction of Dangerous Old Buildings" was enacted, which is a simplified version of the policy derived from urban renewal, because the area restrictions and unnecessary urban renewal review committees were abolished, and a professional team organized urban dangerous and old buildings. The old building reconstruction briefing session allows residents to obtain professional information, which really shortens the time of the reconstruction plan, and opens another window for the endangered elderly. Therefore, this research uses experts such as real estate appraisers, professional financing teams of banks, builders and scholars as the research objects, and uses in-depth interviews to explore the key factors of urban danger and the success of old building reconstruction projects. It is hoped that through this research As a result, it is hoped that more successful cases will be established so that the tentacles of urban danger and the reconstruction of old buildings can penetrate into the metropolis of Taiwan more quickly, so that the safety of people's lives and the living environment can be best guaranteed.


