  • 學位論文


ASEAN: Potentiality with Latin America and the Caribbean: “Central America Case”

指導教授 : 王秀琦


本篇研究其研究目的在於分析東南亞國家協會之會員國與拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區之國家雙方的互動關係,進而了解到東協的經濟潛力。雖然,拉美與東南亞兩地的國家互動較為貧乏,但由於東協的力量持續擴散到日本、韓國與中國,形成「東協加三」的新興組織,其中包含一些國家,特別是日本、韓國與中國,皆通過雙邊經濟合作或SICA論壇,向宏都拉斯、多明尼加共和國及貝里斯提供重要的財政和經濟上的支持。 綜上所述,該研究主題是身為受到東協成員國援助下的受益國-宏都拉斯,其方法是從東協、拉丁美洲和加勒比地區之間的政治和經濟領域關係開始,而作者藉由許多資料收集以及分析,隨後提出不同類型的想法。


This historical documentary thesis presents a synthesis of the relations between the nations of Southwest Asia (ASEAN) with Latin America and the Caribbean that allows to know the potential of this forum in a more economic than political field; because of the limited relations of LAC with the countries that belong to ASEAN, with the exception of Japan, South Korea, China that form the forum called "ASEAN plus Three". Some of these countries (especially Japan, South Korea, and People’s Republic of China) provide important financial and economic support to Honduras, either through bilateral treaties, reimbursable and non-reimbursable direct financing or through the SICA forum (which includes the Dominican Republic and Belize). As mentioned above, part of the topic addressed includes Honduras as a beneficiary country of ASEAN assistance through several of its members such as Japan, South Korea, and People’s Republic of China. The information used in this research was obtained from various secondary sources consulted that raise diverse types of opinions according to their authors; the research does not intend to question in any sense the observed findings or the opinions expressed by their authors, nor does it intend to venture into the political issue of controversy. The approach to deductive research is based on the position of relations in the political and economic field between ASEAN, Latin America, and the Caribbean to particularize with the case of Honduras.


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